
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Three Days, One Post

So sorry I haven't posted the past two days!  Stuff has happened, but I haven't had time to post or I just wasn't in the mood.  Mostly I just wasn't in the mood.  I also have stuff to do today, so I'll just give you a shortened version of events.


First period was English, in which we just did boring stuff with the English book we're reading.  Yawn.

I managed to find the EGE room this time!  It turns out that they were in the computer room last time, and I didn't know where that was.  We took a vocab quiz that I didn't know about, but I did fine on it anyways.  I sat next to a girl named Nina, who is good friends with Lisa F.  She was nice. :)

The last class was religion.  I don't even remember what we did.  No none pays attention in that class.

Throughout the day I distributed the boxes of Nerds my mom brought out of America.  They don't have them here, and everyone loves them.  The Nerds earned me friendship points and a lot of hugs and squeals. ;)

I was in a really bad mood when I got home from school, even though nothing bad really happened.  But then I saw that a letter from my good friend Jess came!  She sent me a card!  You rock, Jess! ;D After that I was in a better mood.  I spent the entire afternoon shopping with my sister, which was fun.  It was just us two.  I didn't buy anything, but I exchanged the shirt I bought Tuesday for a different size.  Erin bought two shirts and earrings.  We ate dinner at a Chinese place in the mall.

On the way home we stopped at a zipline in the trees next to the bike path...

After a long day of shopping, we got back at around eight. :) Then we watched some sort of family romance movie or something like that together with my mom and went to bed really late.


Yesterday we went to Bonn to visit my great-grandma.  Bonn has a lot of old, pretty buildings, or at least in my great-grandma's neighborhood.

We took my great-grandma out to lunch at an Italian place.  She gave Erin and me a huge chocolate bar. :D

Then we brought my great-grandma home and went into the city.  There were SO MANY PEOPLE!  I am not a crowds person.  I am not a city person.  All the people, combined with me having a headache, being in a bad mood, and feeling like I never completely woke up, was not a good combo.  I didn't have very much fun.

On the way back to the car, we passed a pretty park and an old castle, where Erin went to the bathroom and I took pictures. :)


Today we went to the Europafest at Morsbroicher Schloss.  To clarify: a festival at a castle.  There were lots of different tents with food from different countries, but mostly just Germany and Turkey.  We looked around at all the stands, ate some yummy food, and just sat around.

Another yellow castle!

Exotic foods...  I don't even know what I ate! ;)

Just some plain ole cake ;)

We also stopped at a playground, where Erin and I spent some time on the slide and little rock-back-and-forth things (what are they called?  It's not a see-saw...) that were WAY too small for us. :)

 Woo!  Woo!  Yes, I'm wearing my glasses.  Yes, I look stupid.  Get over it. ;D

This was the only way to get out...

We saw this plant!  Friends who were in Mrs. Proffit's class, do you remember something about a movie where we saw a plant like this? :) Cuz I do!

German word of the day: Entschuldigung.  Pronounced en-SHOHL-dee-guhng(k).  It means 'sorry.'  'Sorry' as in sorry I haven't posted in a while!  But FYI, Germans say 'sorry' too.  :)

The Sunflower Project: Unfortunately, that one sunflower that wasn't doing well is now doing even worse. :(

Don't die on me!!

That's right, this sunflower is up to me knee! :D

Book Update: Anna's mom finally finds a school for Anna.  She finds a friend and, although she can't really understand anything at school, she has a lot of fun with the other girls during the breaks.  So school is a success for her! :)

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