
Friday, June 28, 2013

When Two Worlds Collide

Hmmm...  That is a cool title for a book, no? ;)

It has recently been brought to my attention that some of my sentences make absolutely NO sense.  Sorry about that.  I never feel like proofreading, but I guess I probably should. ;)

When I woke up this morning, it was rainy and cold.  There's nothing that welcomes you into a new country better than wet, cold weather, right? :P Luckily, it didn't rain while Lisa and I were biking to or from school.  For once!

First period today was German.  We got our tests back!  Remember, the one where we had to analyze a poem?  The teacher talked with me for a few minutes when he gave me my test back.  He said that you could tell I wasn't a native speaker, but the actual content wasn't bad.  He also asked my how I knew German at all, and I explained how my mom was born in Germany, moved to the US, and how I was raised bilingually.  He thought I had been born in Germany and then moved to the US myself.  I take this as a compliment, even though the grammar in my test is pretty much all wrong.  The paper is absolutely full of red marks.  Prepare yourselves!

Feast your eyes, because I swear to God I am never getting a test back like that again! ;)

Most of the marks are grammatical things.  At the bottom, where he wrote down the points for each section (content, organizations, language, etc.), it said "Language ungradable."

I feel special.

On the bottom he wrote that assuming I had gotten the 20 points for language (which he didn't count), I would have probably gotten around a C in the American grading system.

Like I said, I will never do this badly on a test again!

Then again, I wasn't planning on taking this test, didn't know any of the rhyme schemes or anything, and frankly didn't know how to write a poem analysis, period.  So a C isn't all that bad.

I was very happy with how physics went today.  I was, for the most part, able to learn and take notes along with everyone else! :)

For the first period of math, we went down to the computer labs, where I'd never been before.  They have a type of computer that I haven't heard of before.  Fujimoto or something weird like that.  We used some sort of program to learn about quadratic thingiemajigs.  Crap; two months away from school at home and I can't remember what it's called!

In the second half of math we got our tests back.  I got....

Duh duh DUH...

A 2 plus.  I was actually pretty happy with this, but I knew I could have done better.  I got 2 out of 11 points on the last problem because it was really complicated and I didn't have a functioning calculator.  Remember how the teacher's calculator was so high-tech I didn't know how to work it?  Yep, and for it I got a 2 plus.  But a 2 plus is actually pretty good, and I wasn't going to complain since poor Mona, who sits next to me, got a 5.

The whole day I kept looking at my watch, anxious to get home.  Why, you ask?  Because my mom and sister came today!  If you didn't remember, shame on you.  Just kidding, I haven't mentioned it all too often.  I was looking forward to seeing them for the most part, but another part of it was weird.  Up until now, I've been essentially living in two worlds.  I have my Park City world, with my old friends, family, landscape, etc, and then I have my Germany world, with my new friends, grandparents, and different climate.  I didn't know if it would be weird or not to see them again.

But I totally wasn't thinking about that when I turned the corner and saw my mom and sister waiting in my grandparents' driveway up the hill.  My mom was waving and being weird and, since Lisa rides with me, being kind of embarrassing, but that's my mom for you. :) I came charging up that hill on my bike.  And the weird thing is, it didn't feel like I hadn't seen them for two months at all!  My life at my grandparents' house definitely feels different now–it feels more like vacation with my family than normal living at my grandparents' house–but my relationship with my mom and sister are still exactly the same.

Unfortunately my dad couldn't come to Germany this year, which I was really bummed about.  I miss him!  But two of three people isn't bad either. ;)

I spent the afternoon just hanging out with Erin, during which we painted our nails, chatted, and did the typical sisterly rough-housing thing.  Or is that only for brothers? ;)

German word of the day: Familie.  Pronounced fa-MEEL-yuh.  It means 'family.'

The Sunflower Project:  Same same.

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