
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Good Start, Bad Ending

 I was looking at some blog posts from a few weeks ago and realized just how dull my blog posts have gotten recently.  My witty comments have dwindled significantly and have been replaced by "I want to go home" and "This and that was boring."  This is because I haven't been in a great mood lately and just never feel like putting the time or effort into making my blog posts interesting.  Sorry. :(

Here is a picture of me smiling, just to break up the bad, bad and more bad stuff I'm writing.

I'm in a reaaaaally bad mood right now.  This is pretty much me all day lately: "I don't wanna go to school!  I don't wanna go to volleyball!  I don't wanna do anything!"  So you can see how that proves for a good day.  Not.

First period was English.  Usually this class is my favorite, and I really enjoy it.  I did at the beginning today too.  First we did some discussions and stuff about the book we're reading, and then people did random improv skits that made me laugh sooooo hard.  It was ridiculous how funny some people can be.  But then....

I was called on to do a skit with the other girl from America.  If you do not already know this about me, which you probably do, I.  Can.  Not.  Act.  I can't do anything in front of other people because I'm always scared I'll be judged, and performing in front of people you've only known for a month is even worse.  So, following a really hilarious skit, I totally butchered it.  It was horrible.  Afterwards, the teacher said to me, "We've all done this lots of times.  Really, the only advantage you have is the language."  Translation: it sucked.  That put me in a really bad mood all day.  Putting yourself out their is one thing, but then also failing is even worse.  I didn't really feel like talking to anyone, and being anti-social probably didn't help my image either, so pretty much my morning was just a downward spiral.

We took a quiz in French.  I knew all the words but am unsure about a few of the accents and articles.  Not that it matters what I get on the test.  And the teacher did some really confusing system to take the quiz that messed up my numbering system, which made my paper really messy.  I really hate messy papers.  Another thing to add to the DSOG.  (Downward Spiral of Gloom)

Music was just as dull as ever.  Since I forgot my book, I continued working on the murals that are starting to take up the back of my planner.

We only got about five minutes at the end of class to work on the cup song.  Another point to the DSOG.

And now I'm sitting here writing to you (in between Youtube videos) grumpy, tired and homesick.  And I still have volleyball to dread today!

German word of the day: Heimweh.  Pronounced HYM-veh.  It means 'homesick.'

The Sunflower Project:  Since I posted pictures I took today on yesterday's post, it's kind of unnecessary to post them again.  But just 'cause, here are the exact same pictures! ;)

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