
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Volleyball Surprise

I don't feel like giving you the details of every single class today, so I'll just give you a brief description of each and then move on to the real subject of this post. :)

First was English.  Instead of taking a vocab test like we were supposed to (and I actually studied for this one!) we did more work with our novels.  The teacher told me "good work" for participating. :) We are reading a book in which a class at school plays the Color Game, where everyone randomly pulls a color that represents a social status, and they have to act out their social status at school and at home for four weeks.  Also, women are treated as the superior gender.  The point of the game was to show the students the prejudices and discrimination going on in society.  After discussing it in class, we might possibly do something like that!!! :D It would be just for a week or something, and also just at school, and not as extreme.  I think it would be super cool!

After that was French.  We took a huge test (this one I did not study for.)  I probably failed, but whatever.  YOLO!  OMG, I am totally just kidding about the yolo thing!!!  I hate yolo.

In music we continued the cup song from Pitch Perfect.  Turns out I wasn't doing it wrong, there are just two different versions.  Today I learned the second version and am now a cup song master! ;)

Okay, that wasn't as short as I would like, but whatever. :) Today I biked to volleyball as the weather has been so gorgeous.  Actually, I was hot and regretting wearing sweatpants, but I couldn't exactly take them off and ride in my volleyball shorts.  It would look like I was riding my bike in underwear. :/ But it wasn't that bad, and I was just enjoying that it wasn't raining. :)

When I got to the volleyball building, I walked around for about five minutes, feeling like an idiot.  I could not find my volleyball group anywhere.  Then a girl from my old group, the 13s team, came, so I just followed her into their gym.  After talking with a girl who apparently knows someone on the women's team, I found out that they didn't have practice today because of some tournament something or other.  I didn't go to practice Monday because I wasn't feeling well, so I didn't know this.

But whatever; I just played with the 13s team.  I had played with them about three times before, so I already knew them.  Let me tell you, kids my age are much easier to talk to than young adults. :) Also, it was refreshing not to be the utter worst for once.  We learned/practiced tipping today, which for some reason I never learned in Utah.  Why, I ask, why?  When I was setter, I had problems because I couldn't really tip so I always tried to bump the ball really close to the net.  It didn't really work.  I have no idea why I was never taught how to properly tip, but at least I know it now.  Of course, I'm not a setter anymore, but I seem to change positions all the time, so you never know what I'll play next year!

One incredibly random thing: Despite the babies being gone, their toys were not yet packed away.  And as long as the blocks remain, so does the tower master!  (Hmmm... I said earlier in my post that I'm the cup song master...  I guess I'll just have to be both!) I built the world's tallest tower built out of blocks!  Maybe this is a slight exaggeration, but still, it's TALL!

Yep, I built that, ladies and gentlemen!  On the corner of a box!  I would have loved to try and make it higher, but unfortunately I had to go to school and the toys needed to be put away. :(

RIP Awesome Tall Tower

German word of the day: Turm.  Pronounced TOWrm.  It means 'tower.' ;)

The Sunflower Project: They're still growing!  I'rm.m expecting an actual sunflower to come out soon. :) (Foot for size comparion)

Oops... That last one isn't clear.  Sorry, but I have to go to bed, and it's just a sunflower, so it's not that important.

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