
Monday, July 1, 2013

Abi 2013

I'm not really sure how to start this post in a clever way, so I'll just start telling you about my day. :)

Since Lisa's bike was at her cousins' or something like that (long story; I don't remember much of it myself), we walked to school, even though the weather was nice.

When we arrived at school, caution tape was stretched everywhere.  Lisa and I had to duck under it or step over it.  I was sooo confused.  Lisa explained to me that today was Abi Gek.  I don't know how you spell 'gek,' but that's what it sounded like.  'Abi' is short for 'abitur,' meaning graduation.  The graduates of 2013 get to spend today doing pretty much whatever the heck they want.  There was caution tape stretched everywhere, and in front of the school entrance, a lot of them were lined up and exaggeratedly laughed at you.  It was really awkward.  According to Lisa, there is a theme every year, and this year it was hospital stuff.  Last year it was Spongebob. :)

First period was...  PE.  When we got to the field, we were told we had to do endurance running AGAIN.  I HATE running.  Hate it.  We had to run as many laps in 12 minutes as possible.  It was miserable, as usual, and at the end I felt like I wanted to puke.  But I was the fastest girl...  By about 1/4 of a lap.  But still, since I was the fastest girl, I was almost (but not quite) forced into doing the endurance run at the sport fest next Tuesday.  I wanted to play soccer, but every single girl in the class wants to do soccer.  Almost everyone hates running and isn't particularly good at it.  This is apparent by the fact that I was the fastest, because I wouldn't call myself a good runner.

After the running, we played soccer.  It wasn't nearly as much fun as the past few times because we didn't play mixed with the guys, and the girls aren't nearly as good.  When my teammates aren't as good, then I'm not good either, because how am I supposed to score a goal when there isn't someone to set it up perfectly for me? ;)

Because of this Abi thing, we didn't have a class 3rd and 4th period.  That means that we didn't have math.  Yay!  The Abis (the graduates) set up some sort of carnival thingie on the school grounds with different games.  There was even a bounce house!  My friends and I just stuck to hanging out in our usual corner, talking, and taking pictures like typical teenage girls. ;)

I was pretty darn shocked when, after two hours running and playing soccer outside and then two hours hanging around outside, we entered our classroom for the first time that day.  Apparently the Abis doing whatever the heck they want includes vandalizing classrooms.  The bookshelf stood in the middle of the classroom, tables were turned over and strewn across the room, the teacher's desk and a lot of the chairs were scattered in the hallway, the windows were covered in newspaper, and a few obscene phrases along with some unintelligible scrawls were on the chalkboard.  So the first part of French class was spent cleaning up the classroom.  The teacher didn't say anything, so I guess this is perfectly allowed and perfectly usual for Abi Gek.  Wow.

The rest of French was spent writing a report about our trip to Liege.  Lisa wrote most of it, Philipp complained and wrote a few sentences, and I drew the cover and also wrote a few sentences.  (But I have a good reason!)  Nadine was doing some sort of special project for the teacher or something...  It was fun, I guess.  Not that big of a deal.

On the walk home, Lisa and I were fantasizing about Lisa coming to stay with my family in Park City.  She wants to do an exchange to America in tenth grade, and my mom said that theoretically Lisa could stay with us, but you never know what could happen in two years.  That was good enough for us!  We discussed all the awesome possibilities of Lisa living with my family.  And all my friends back home could meet her and become friends with her too!  It could be sooooo awesome!!!! :D :D :D

German word of the day: Abitur.  Duh. ;) It's pronounced ah-BEE-tooar(r).  I don't need to explain what it means because that's what half of this post is about! :)

The Sunflower Project: I don't feel like going downstairs, taking and uploading pictures, so too bad for you.  I doubt anything has changed anyways...

Book update: My mom has informed me that the book update is totally unnecessary, so wave bye-bye!


  1. Lisa coming to Park City would be so fun! And if she does come, it should be during the school year. :)

  2. Awe :( I love the book update!! I wanna know what happens to Anna :)

    1. You guys mentioned that you wanted to read the book yourselves, and I don't want to spoil it for you! ;)
