
Saturday, June 8, 2013

A Laid-Back Day

This will be a fairly short post. :) Today was my second day home alone.  Everything went smoothly, and I didn't manage to lock myself out of the house or anything. :)

The morning was one of those nice, quiet mornings where you get all of your crap done and then relax.  First I read in bed for an hour, then ate breakfast, did some homework and a workout, then returned to my book and the internet. :)

At about three my friend Nadine came over.  I showed her the entire house, and then we went shopping.  I love shopping. :) We biked because the weather is, for once, being nice to us.

I did actually buy some things. :) I got two articles of clothes and a birthday present for my grandpa.  I'm not going to tell you what it is just in case my grandparents read my blog.  I'm pretty sure they don't, but you never know when they might start!  Besides, his birthday is tomorrow, so I can tell you then. :)  Nadine bought some sunglasses and a cute top that I would have bought if it had only fit me.  (Things are always either too big or a bad color for me...)  We also got some ice cream at the ice cafe in the mall.

I forgot my camera.  Sorry :(

On the way home my grandpa's birthday present managed to fly out of the basket on my bike.  It didn't break, thank goodness!  We then stopped to say hi to Nadine's grandparents, who live just a few minutes away from our mall to home route.  They were super nice, and we chatted with them while eating strawberries.  It was just so nice and casual.  I don't really think that in America you could randomly show up at your grandparents' house and be like, "Uh, hey, I just came to say hi.  And why don't you meet my friend?"  Or maybe you can, I don't know.  I just liked how easy and happy everything was. :)

Today was just a nice, laid-back day. :)

German word of the day: Großeltern.  Pronounced GROHS-el-tahn.  It means 'grandparents.'

The Sunflower Project: I'm sure you are wondering if I did, indeed, murder three sunflowers.  One has been resurrected, one's a lost cause, and the other one I've still got hopes for.  The other kind of sunflowers, though, are getting HUGE and the late sprout has also started to grow. :)
It's alive!

Uhhh... Sorry?

Don't give up, bro, don't give up!

Just about to throw his hat off...


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