
Thursday, June 20, 2013

School and Rain and Shopping and Stuff

Today was...  Well, I don't really know how to sum it up in one word, so I'll just start writing about it.

Today was significantly cooler than yesterday.  Since I didn't write yesterday, I'll just tell you this: we got fifth and sixth period off because of the heat.  Yay!  Today, though, it was back to capri weather, and it rained a little off and on throughout the school day.

The first class of the day was German.  We took that test last time, remember?  The one about analyzing poems that I probably screwed up incredibly badly?  Since that was our last test of the year, we get to do some more "fun" things.  Never trust a teacher's sense of fun.  Today we got into groups and were given a picture.  Using the picture, we had to create a story and then draw a picture for one day before what's happening in the picture, ten minutes before, ten minutes after, and a day after.  We kind of ran out of time and resorted to drawing stick figures.  I was also told by a guy in the class that the girl I drew's hair looked like a beard.  Thanks.  Next time we have to act something out, so I am dreading that with every ounce of dread I possess.  We all know how badly it went last time, and last time it was in ENGLISH for crying out loud!

Physics was physical.  That was a lame joke.  We talked about pressure and things, and I followed along for the most part.  But when we were given assignments and equations, I was lost.  I think I'm just lacking the foundation for what they're learning that they must have gotten at the beginning of the year.  For example, does anyone else know what p = F/A means?  If it helps, F = m*g.  I'm lost.  And Sarah, if you for some reason know this, then I will be angry.  Just kidding. :)

After that was math and the big math test.  For the most part, I thought I did okay.  There was some solving of systems of equations, and we also had to read word problems, identify x and y, and write a system of equations for them.  I didn't think they were that hard.  However, I didn't have a calculator.  I was sharing with my table neighbor, but the math teacher didn't like that and gave me hers.  I couln't freaking use it!  It was so high tech of a calculator that I didn't know how to do math on it.  It took me long enough to find the on button, and once I did, a menu came up that showed different settings and solving methods.  I was like, "I don't want to freaking give in an equation for you to graph!  Where's the normal punch-in-numbers setting?!"  It was very frustrating.  I ended up having to do the math for myself.  Some of it wasn't that bad, but the last word problem, which we had to actually solve, was pretty complex.  I figured out how to solve it right away, which I was proud of, but then we got into some serious multiplication and division and stuff, and I did not have a usable calculator.  I tried doing it the old-fashioned way, got a negative number (you can't have a negative number of tickets, which is what I was solving for), started over, and got another makes-no-sense number.  I finally decided to just reach over and take Mona's calculator and punched in the complex mathematical stuff.  It gave me a completely different answer that would have changed how I solved the rest of the equation.  But then the teacher called that it was time to turn in the tests.  Argh!  I know what you're thinking.  "Uh, Julia, you don't even get grades.  Chill out."  But I already knew this stuff in math, and after getting a one plus on the last quiz, everyone else in class saw me as a math genius, an image I was perfectly happy with.  I also had really high expectations for myself.  The lesson learned here?  Calculators are not allowed to get any more high tech!

During math, the weather got CRAZY.  The sky turned incredibly dark, and the giants living in the sky (yes, they exist) were probably feeling hormonal and were crying their eyes out.  It was raining like crazy!  We had the windows open because although it was raining, it wasn't necessarily cold.  There was lightning and a few times some thunder clapped crazily loudly, causing everyone in the classroom to freak out.  There were a few screams.

And yes, math is the last class of the day.  And it was still raining.  Translation: Lisa and I were going to have to bike home in the pouring rain.  I was wearing a short sleeved t-shirt and didn't have a jacket.  Things were looking... exciting.

And bike home we did.  There were big puddles everywhere, and we were careful.  When biking in the rain, you have two options: hunch down and think "my life sucks, my life sucks" or you can open up to it and laugh manically at what is currently going on.  Guess which one I did?  That's right, number two.  But don't worry, I only laughed manically two or three times.  I haven't experienced too much like this before because a) it hardly ever rains in Utah, and b) hardly anyone bikes to school there.

I came home utterly soaked and took a few "I'm WET!" poses for you:

Note: 1. Water dripping down face, 2. Smeared mascara (thanks for that, rain), 3. Wet hair (It's hard to see because it's pulled back)

Can you see how the top is darker than the rest?  That's because it's wet.  The bottom is speckled too.  And you can see water droplets on my neck.

TADA!  Wet!  If you look closely, you can also see that my jeans are darker (wet from the rain) down the whole front.

Of course, about a half hour after I got home, it stopped raining.  Wow.

Unfortunately, I am getting a cold.  That's right, in the middle of June.  So I guess it's a... warm?

Okay, enough with the lame jokes.  I'd be surprised if Molly, the master of lame jokes, laughed.  I had a runny nose all day, which is quite annoying.  My grandma didn't want me to go to volleyball with me being sick, so instead I went shopping with her to buy t-shirts for my birthday party.  We're going to decorate them and, in some people's cases, cut them, like fringe or something.  We went to a couple of stores before we found them.  Afterwards we went shopping for a little bit and also got ice cream.  I had a nice time with my grandma.  :)

I feel like I wanted to  tell you something else, but, as usual, I forgot.   That is so me.

German word of the day: Regen.  Pronounced REH-gen.  It means 'rain.'

The Sunflower Project: My grandma and I FINALLY relocated the sunflowers to the garden, which was long past due.  I planned to do it a while ago but didn't, which was noticed and commented on by my dear friend Erma...  Erma Gerd, that is. ;)



  1. The rain sounds like fun and your comment about the faints made me laugh out loud. As for the equations, I have no freaking idea. But I'm going to guess and you can laugh at me. Then I'm going to look it up and let you know.

    P = f/a. Maybe pressure = force divided by acceleration?

    And f = m*g? Maybe force = mass times gravitational pull?

    I have absolutely no idea, but I guess that's what Google is for :). I shall look it up

  2. Aha! Yay for Google! The first one is pressure equals force divided by area. Kind of close but not really.

    Sadly, I can't find anything on the second one except that it is equal to f = ma. This didn't help me much but maybe it makes sense to you.


  3. Sarah, I think you are right with the second one being force = mass times gravitational pull... but I don't really know :)

  4. Yeah...I asked my mom and she said that was what it was :). I did a little happy dance in the car. LOL

  5. Julia! Your sunflowers have grow so much and they look so pretty. Do you know if they are going to bloom any time soon?
