
Thursday, June 13, 2013

New Day, New Opportunities

After a downright sucky day yesterday, I am happy to tell you that today was much better. :) Unfortunately, it rained about half of the day, but it wasn't cold, so it didn't bother me all that much.

We started the day with German.  I am seriously done with these stupid poem analysises (is that even a word?  Analysises?).  Luckily, they're taking the unit test next class, so we can finally be done with this unit that I do not understand whatsoever.  I sat next to one of my friends who I don't hang out with as much today.  She complimented me on both my pants and my eyes.  So far, so good. ;) I didn't actually participate in the class poem analysis today, so I just hung out in my chair for a good hour and forty-five minutes.

Next was physics.  We have moved on from the density lesson, which I understood, to pressure.  I did actually follow along with the lesson and found some of the mini-experiments interesting.  But as soon as we were supposed to do an assignment where we figured out the pressure and applied weight to some surface area and stuff, I was lost.  So maybe I didn't understand it as well as I'd have liked, but since this is pretty much excess schooling for me (school's out back home), anything I learn is good. :)

Last was math.  Everyone hates math, which I'm pretty sure I say in just about every post mentioning math class.  We discussed the homework and then worked on a review packet for the test next week.  Maybe I was glad to be in a class where I understood something, maybe I'm a just a nerd, or maybe both, but I actually enjoyed pounding out some good ole systems of equations. ;)

After some "homework" (a.k.a. surfing the internet and studying for the English test tomorrow here and there), I was off to volleyball.  Because of the rain, my grandpa drove me, and I'd take the bus home.

I was SUPER happy with how volleyball went today.  A lot of the parents of the girls I play with came today, and we pretty much played against them the whole time.  I loved that all the parents had such a good, easy-going attitude: "I'm not all that great, but I'm just going to have fun!"  They laughed a lot and made the whole practice so much more relaxed.  It reminded me a lot of the open gyms I went to in Park City, where everyone was playing just to have a good time.  Like a lot of people, I play better when I am not under pressure.  I think I played really well today.  Less pressure leads to playing well, playing well leads to confidence, confidence leads to playing even better...  Instead of the downward spiral of gloom from the other day at school, volleyball was more of an upward spiral of happiness. :) Obviously I still made some mistakes, but not as many as usual.  And none of my mistakes cost my team a point; because everyone else is so good, they can usually recover a pass that is a little off to the side, as long as it isn't a total shank.

Today's bus ride was pleasantly uneventful. :) I've ridden enough my now to know what to do, when to do it, and where.  I managed to go the whole ride without totally embarrassing myself!  Well, okay, maybe I did get up and walk to the door right after we passed the stop before mine (just so I could get out before the doors close on my like last time) and rode part of the way just standing by the door.  But hey, being an over-eager bus-rider is better than being a hopelessly confused one! ;)

This evening I got to hang out and talk with my grandparents, which was nice.  I balanced a pillow on my head and my grandpa put his beer mug on top of that, and it didn't fall.  Talk about legit bosses! ;)

And then a huge rainbow appeared!  Looks like rain can be good sometimes after all! :)

 I guess it just serves to show that new days are new beginnings! :)

German word of the day: Besser.  Pronounced BESS-ahr.  If you replace both 's'es with 't's, you'll figure out what the word means by yourself. :)

The Sunflower Project:

Hmm....  These are looking a little droopy.  A little too much rain, maybe? :/

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