
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

At Least Volleyball was Better

After a fairly horrible day at school, volleyball was a pleasant surprise, for the most part.

Only nine people were there today, instead of the usual fifteen, because a lot of the players had beach practice.  This was really good because a) less pressure b) the coach can pay more attention to each individual and c) easier to talk to others and participate.

For our warmup, we played a kind of version of rugby.  It was actually really fun.  We've played it once before as a warmup, but it was harder because there were more people, and also I wasn't given the ball as much.  But this time I could really participate, and I had a lot of fun.  At one point, someone was holding onto me to keep me from scoring, and when I pushed through them, they were like, "She's stronger than I am!"  This made what little ego I have happy. ;)

We did some hitting and blocking drills for the majority of the time.  I'm kind of short to block, but it's not impossible.  I also feel like I'm getting better and better at hitting.  I'm actually hoping for a hitting position on the team next year, but I don't know how likely that is since I'm short. :/

Throughout the whole time, I really tried to be more social and talk with the others.  It really helps with the whole atmosphere, and my interactions with people aren't as awkward.  I also got lucky that most of the people there today were the ones I like. :)

We always end practice with some game situations stuff.  Since there were a lot less people than usual, we played five on four.  I started off as back row, as usual, but was later switched to a hitting position.  I pretty much don't know what's going on half the time, but I'm slowly figuring it out.  Okay, so maybe that's an exaggeration, but I definitely have to learn where to be when.  I've never played a hitter position during a game while I've been here so far, and I have to say, I like it.  It's a lot less stressful than having to pass balls that are hurtling towards you to the right spot. ;)

Then, to top it all off, someone brought cake because it was their birthday yesterday! :D Cake makes any situation better.  It's a fact.  And while I definitely made LOTS of mistakes today, the point is for me to learn, and I think I did that today. :)

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