
Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Truth About Old People

Today was my grandpa's birthday. :) His is exactly one week before mine.

The morning was just a calm morning including breakfast, replacing old flower bouquets with new ones, and reading.  The first rose bouquet of the year has been picked. :) The last phase of flowers are starting to die, being replaced with the new ones, which is always exciting.

In late morning/early afternoon, we opened presents.  My grandpa got a book from my family, a book from my cousins, and a book from my grandma.  Yep, he likes to read.  I, however, deviated from the book theme and gave him this:

Meet Robert.

Robert glows in the dark.  Sorry this picture is blurry; with the flash on you couldn't see it glow, and with the flash off it's blurry.

Robert is a cute frog statue thingie about the size of my hand.  Nadine helped me pick it out when we were shopping yesterday at this awesome bookstore that has cool little gadgets and all sorts of great gift things.  My grandpa really likes Robert.  I have to say, Robert is pretty snazzy... ;)

Then it was back to some more downtime with reading, computer, and naps.  (I didn't take a nap, my grandpa did.)  At three, five of my grandparents' friends came over to celebrate.  I have to say, I have never been together with seven old people and no one else for company.  I'm assuming you haven't either. :)

Here are some things I have discovered about old people by spending the afternoon with seven of them:

Old people can have a (good) sense of humor.

Old people don't have to be on the way outer ends of the boring to eccentric scale.

Old people can be sarcastic.

Old people can be interested and actually know something about the teenage world.

Old people can tease each other and have inside jokes.

Old people can be as tech saavy as (or, as painful as it is to admit, more than) me.

Old people can laugh just as hysterically as I can.

Old people can have fashion opinions.

Old people can actually be pretty cool sometimes. ;)  

I was surprised that I wasn't ridiculously bored the entire time.  It was great to see my grandparents have such a great time with their good friends, and that old people don't always have to be the stereotypical grandparent. :)

Tomorrow is back to school, which I could do without, but alas, the weekend had to end sometime. :/ 

German word of the day: Feiern.  Pronounced FY-yarn (say the 'yarn' as if you have a British accent or something and hardly say the 'r')  It means 'celebrate.'

The Sunflower Project: I'll let the pictures do the talking.


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you enjoyed spending time with "old people." And, uhm, old people aren't dead, you know. ;)
