
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Hot, Humid and More Hot

Holy crap!  Today was so insanely HOT!  It was a solid 30 or so degrees, which might be really nice in Utah, but add some (no, a lot) of humidity, and you are pretty much a ball of sweat all day.  In my case, a very attractive ball of sweat, but a ball of sweat just the same. ;)

The first class of the day was German.  Today was the day of the poetry unit test.  I hadn't for one second planned on taking the test along with everyone else.  But today, when the teacher said I could take it just to see, and I don't get grades anyway, I felt it would be cheating myself to just not take it.  We were given a poem and had to write an analysis of it.  We had to analyze each verse, the rhyme scheme, this other thing that I can't really explain, what the point of view implies, blah blah blah.  I actually understood this poem better than the ones we did in class before the test.  I tried my very best to analyze it.  Sometimes I did have problems putting my thoughts in English into German, but I did the best I could.  I didn't know what any rhyme schemes, so I just didn't write about that.  And maybe I totally misinterpreted the poem, but maybe not.  And there are probably at LEAST (probably more) five grammatical errors.  Maybe ten. :) I think I turned the best piece of crap the teacher has ever had the pleasure of grading. ;)

When we finished the test, we could leave class and go outside.  It was SO HOT.  All the girls' hair was frizzing, and everyone was asking each other for hair ties so they could put their hair up.  I was very proud of myself for putting my hair into a bun with only one hair tie and without a mirror. ;)

The heat and humidity continued in chemistry, which was really boring.  No one could concentrate because it was so hot.  My clothes were sticking to me, and every time I moved the clothes or skin squelched against the chair.  The teacher then got mad at us for not focusing and assigned us a quiz for two weeks, but I don't think I have to take it because, well, obvious reasons. 

After chemistry, two of my friends and I hid behind a wall inside the science building because it was so nice and cool in the hall.  We were NOT going outside.  No way.

Throughout the whole day, there were rumors flying around that we might get heat early release.  Kids were like, "I heard that if by ten it's 27 degrees in the classrooms, we can go home" and such.  Unfortunately, this didn't happen, but it might tomorrow because it's supposed to get even hotter.  I can't even imagine it being hotter than right now!

History was uneventful and short.  Because the teacher wasn't feeling well, we didn't have sixth hour and could go home after the fifth.  So right now I'm writing to you at a time where I wouldn't normally be home!  I think that this is one cool thing about school here.  Because there aren't school busses that a lot of kids rely on, people can just go home when the situation calls for it.  I like that it's not as strict as back home.  But not in every way; I wish the discipline were stricter. ;)

I had a pretty uneventful afternoon.  The evening was spent sitting outside reading.  At nine o'clock the temperature is really nice. :)

German word of the day: Heiß.  Pronounced HY-ss.  It means 'hot.'

The Sunflower Project: The heat hasn't been good for my poor sunflowers.  They're looking really droopy. :/

1 comment:

  1. Why haven't you moved your sunflowers? Didn't you say last week that you were going to put them in the ground?

    I think you're starting to think in German a little bit. You called "sixth hour" instead of "sixth period." And I don't think you can translate "Hitzefrei" to "heat early release." It just doesn't sound right. But yay to thinking in German!!
