
Monday, June 17, 2013

Le Day d'Awesomeness

Turning fourteen must be magical, because I had an awesome day today.  Really, I haven't had such a good day at school in a while.

Today was really warm.  We get about three warm days before it gets cooler, then a little warmer again.  The weather is seriously confused.

The first class of the day waaaas... PE.  We got dressed, walked out onto the field, and there was another PE class already there.  Talk about bad planning.  So while the teachers talked it out and got some sort of agreement on the fields figured out, we got to do endurance running.  Fun! :/ It actually wasn't that bad.  We had to run ten minutes without stopping, the faster the better.  I ran with Mona, who does track.  We were the fastest of the girls, and were only behind a few boys.  I was very proud of myself because I HATE running.  Hate it.  But now all the girls want me to do endurance running at the sport fest, which I really don't want to do.  I want to play soccer!

Speaking of soccer....

Once the teachers split the field between the two classes, we started playing soccer.  It was boys and girls again this week, and I was lucky enough to get put on a team with my friends and two of the best soccer-playing boys in the class.  Yay!  Except then I was assigned by one of the guys as a forward.  In our PE class, I've only ever played defender, so I was like, "If you know what's good for this team, you will NOT put me on offense!"  The other forward was one of my friends who is even worse at soccer than I am.  Things were not looking good for our team.

But then...

One of the guys scored!  We were up 1-0!

And then...

The other guy scored!  Up 2-0!

And THEN...

I SCORED!  *Happy dance* One of the guys gave me a thumbs up.  I was very pleased.

And THEN...

I SCORED AGAIN!  We ended up winning 4-0, and I scored HALF of the goals.  I want this written down and signed, please. ;)

Our next class was math.  I totally wasn't in the mood to sit in a hot classroom after running around, but it actually wasn't that bad.  I understood everything that was going on.

After a pretty uneventful math class, we had French.  We got our vocab tests back, and I got another one (ten out of ten)!

Throughout the whole day, I was really social and had a great time with my friends.  For the first time, I laughed really hard for a pretty long period of time.  I felt really comfortable around them and felt like I was actually part of the group. :)

Lisa and I sometimes bike home with Laura.  She lives a little ways away from my house, so we go a different route through the trees.  It also makes it so we don't have to go up a big hill to get to our houses.  Today Lisa had to stay after, so I went with Laura by myself.  I thought this was good because it shows her that I'm actually friends with her too, and not just biking home with her because I follow Lisa around everywhere.  Laura and I chatted while biking home, and I thought that was good.

The afternoon was spent making the invitations for my birthday party on Saturday.  Honestly, I haven't really been excited for it until today.  I guess it's because I had a really good time with my friends today and for the first time don't think it'll be that awkward. ;)

So, overall, today was great!  Physical achievement, academic achievement, and social achievement in one day!  Being fourteen rocks! ;)

German word of the day: Fröhlich.  Pronounced FREUH-lichh.  It means 'happy.' :)

The Sunflower Project: They have not been relocated yet.  And they're looking a little saggy... :/


  1. Hooray! I'm so happy you had a good day! And TWO goal in soccer? You make me so proud, Julia :) haha

    1. Yeah, I'm thinking about quitting volleyball and starting soccer. ;) Haha, just kidding, but I definitely enjoy playing soccer just for fun!
