
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

School, Errands and No Camera

School was really boring today....

First we had German, and we are STILL doing this stupid poetry unit, and I still have no idea what the rhyming patterns 'daktylus' and 'jambus' are, amongst lots and lots of other things.  After a while of actually trying to pay attention, I gave up.  I am just so done with school.  Knowing that all my friends in Utah are enjoying their summer break and I'm still schlepping myself to school everday isn't fun.

After that was chemistry.  We continued the boring movie and I continued to only halfway pay attention.  Like I said, done with school.  None of the teachers seem to care though.  And don't think that I'm just slacking all day, every day.  I really do try to pay attention, but when I don't understand anything, I just give up and turn to.... other things.

The pattern continued with history.  Tuesdays are reeeeaaaally boring.  Like, really boring.  But the point of this entry isn't to tell you about how ridiculously snooze-tacula school is.  (And I'll participate a lot tomorrow, since I have English, French and music.)

After school, I went to run some errands with my grandparents.  As I got into the car and buckled my seatbelt, I realized it had been weeks since I'd last ridden in a car.  WEEKS!  I always bike to school and volleyball, and there's just no need to ride in a car anymore.  It's one thing I absolutely LOVE about Germany.  Biking is so much more a) fun, b) healthy, c) independent and d) fun (did I say that already?) ;) than driving.

First we went to a craft store.  My grandma and I have been planning for my birthday party, and I think I want to do soapstone carvings.  Soapstone is really soft, and you can carve cool things like animals or paperweights or other cool things out of them.  Although the store didn't have what we were looking for, we spent quite a while in there looking at everything.  There was a whole wall of fancy paper (2,50 euros a piece) that I could have spent hours looking at.  There was scale-like paper that changed color in the like, paper with an intricate flower design that you could feel, metallic, coppery paper...  It was gorgeous.  Just not worth 2,50.  There were also tons of awesome yarn fabrics, metallic fabric pens, patterned poster board, and lots of other crafty things that inspire you to suddenly become one of those craft masters who can knit and make scrapbooks and all sorts of things.  I kind of get irrationally excited in craft stores, in a similar way to Ikea. ;)

We then went to a store that has lots of natural things, like soil, horse equipment, plants, and some outdoor furniture and decorations.  I wandered into the animal department and spent about half an hour siting on the floor in front of the bunny cage.  Words does not accurately describe how adorable they were.  They were like fluffy balls of happiness with big floppy ears and soft brown eyes, and they were all cuddling so they looked like one big multi-colored ball of fluff.  And I freaking forgot my camera!  I hate myself so much for not bringing it!  At one point, a bunny was literally right across the other side of the glass from me, making adorable faces, and I was a confused blob stuck between the feelings "Cannot handle the cuteness!" and "You freaking idiot why did you forget your camera!"  Since I couldn't take any pictures, here is a picture from the internet instead:

They were cuter than this, if you can imagine.

Then we went to a nursery and mulled over which flowers to plant in front of the living room window.  At first I was like, "Wow!  Rows and rows of beautiful flowers!" but the novelty kind of wore off as it took longer than I would have liked to pick some yellow and white flowers.

Just when I thought we were going home, we had to spend another forty-five minutes in Aldi.  If I had had my camera, I would have taken a picture of the plastic bottle-swallowers or the soft pretzel and bread dispenser, but I didn't have my camera.  Sorry.

German word of the day: Kaninchen.  Pronounced ka-NEEN-shyen.  It means 'bunny.'

The Sunflower Project:  They are seriously getting huge.  My grandma, who is also growing sunflowers, says she's jealous of mine. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fun outing. I like that you get to experience how nice it is not to have to use your car. I think you should keep your camera in your purse, so it's always with you. Aldi pictures would be really cool, so take some another day. They're opening more and more in the US now. There are three of them near were we lived in MD now.
