
Friday, June 7, 2013

A School Success

Yesterday was a very spectacular day when it comes to school. :)

First period was German.  (Haha, when I was typing this I started to write it in German.)  This was probably the worst class of the day, even though it wasn't necessarily bad.  We had to keep analyzing that poem that I don't understand, but this time as a group.  I pretty much just copied my partner without knowing what I was writing.  It was probably just a waste of paper.

Next was physics.  We got a new seating arrangement.  I went from sitting in the back to sitting in the front, which is less than preferable.  However, I am sitting next to Laura and Mona, so that part's good.  First everyone got their grades back on the last test.  Everyone pretty much knows what everyone else gets on tests because as soon as they get theirs back it's, "What'd you get?  What'd you get?" If I got a bad grade, I wouldn't want to share it with everyone.  But that's just me.

Since they had just taken a test for the past unit, we started a new one today.  I was pleasantly surprised when the teacher started writing about density on the board.  If you are in my grade, you probably remember that 7th grade science was all density.  Well, maybe not all of it, but a heck of a lot of it was!  I never thought I'd actually understand something in physics, but I knew what was going on! :D I was able to take notes along with the rest of the class.

 I am very proud of this piece of paper ;)

The best class of all was math.  We got our quizzes back from the day before.  The teacher was generally really unhappy because there were eight fives in the class.  Have I explained the grading system to you before? 1 is pretty much equivalent to an A, 2 to B, 3 to C, 4 to D, 5 to E (if there were such thing), and 6 to F.  I, ladies and gentlemen, got a ONE PLUS!  Ten out of ten, baby!  I was so happy and am now regarded as a math genius in my class.  I don't really  have a problem with that. :) However, we are now moving into more word problems, and I have to admit, word problems are hard.  I'd like to blame it on the fact that they're in German, but this isn't always the case.

Also, while doing French homework, I'm starting to realize that maybe my French education hasn't been all that lame compared to the French classes here.  I think they're just taught differently.  I've been taught a lot more vocabulary, and they learn more grammar rules.

Now for today...

English was the usual: good. :) Last class, we were supposed to write a diary entry from the point of view of a person in an assigned social class.  I was light green, representing the lower middle class.  Today, people were supposed to read their entries to the class and have classmates give feedback, which is how it is with every assignment.  I totally did not think I would be called on, because what's the point of correcting the paper of a native English speaker?  Apparently the point is for them to listen to a native English speaker, and so I was caught completely off guard and was called on.  I have to admit, my diary entry was good. ;) I do love to write.  The only bad feedback they could give me was....

Wait.  You guess.  I'm sure you can. :)

"Too fast!"

Sigh.  I was actually told to slow down after the first paragraph, and I did.  But apparently it was still too fast.  I guess that's the only challenge I'll have in English class! ;)

After that was EGE, that history class thing taught in English.  I still don't know what it stands for. :) Today the kids started presenting their big projects.  First they were given a few minutes to practice, so I just followed Laura and Luisa to practice on the balcony.  Yes, the classroom had a balcony!  How cool is that?  It was a third-story classroom, so I just sat and enjoyed the sun while they practiced.

We only had time for two projects today.  The first one was about the ethics of clothes production.  They looked at the working conditions of various clothes companies.  It turns out that both cheap stores like H&M and more expensive stores like Tommy Hilfiger have horrible working conditions. :( The project was interesting, though.  One of the girls was presented by Lisa.  Not my neighbor, the other one, who lived in the US for eight years.  She was also givent the feedback that she talked too fast, and we later talked about how we were both told we were talking too fast and how we could understand each other just fine. :)  The second project was about Henkel, a beauty prodution company.

Last period was Religion.  Everyone was dreading it because we had a sub who was supposedly extremely strict.  Luckily for me, we only did fun stuff the whole time.  First we did a fun quiz thingie, but more like a game show, where the sub asked questions about anything–children's stories, English words, country capitals, random fun facts–and whoever answered first (it was one side of the class versus the other) got the point.  Then we did a chain story.  In case you don't know what that is, everyone writes a sentence or phrase on a sheet of paper and passes it to the right.  Everyone adds on to it until it comes back to the original person.  I had some trouble with this because I couldn't read some people's handwriting very well and had no idea what to write.  Later, after we had gotten the stories we started back, I was called on to read my story.  I was like, "Uh, I can't." I then had to explain that I was from America and couldn't really read the paper.

For the next two days, I'm going to be home alone all day.  There is some sort of big Rotary club convention in Leverkusen this weekend.  The international Rotary president, who is from Denmark, is coming, and my grandparents have the task of driving him around all weekend.  Today I am going to just be doing homework and other distasteful tasks like that, but tomorrow Nadine is coming over and we're going to go shopping.

German word of the day: Mathe.  Pronounced MAHT-uh.  I'm pretty darn certain you can figure out what this means: Math! :)

The Sunflower Project: I think I killed three of my sunflower!!! <ashamed face> It's been pretty hot these past few days, and I don't think I watered them enough.  Now a few of them look like this:

The last picture is just a different angle of the second one.

Oh my gosh, please don't let me be a sunflower killer! :'(

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