
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

School and Stuff

I was under the impression that my blog posts were getting boring and repetitive, as a lot of them are just "at school we did this and that," but I was recently told otherwise, so here are my previous two days of school.

But first...  The weather is FINALLY getting better!  It's finally not raining anymore, and it's getting warm and sunny.  YAY!  However, it rained so much that another city in Germany, which is on the river separating Germany from Austria, is flooded past the first story of the buildings!  That's higher than it's gotten in the past 500 years or something! :O (Yep, I watch the news here....) :)


First period we had PE.  It was kind of chilly at first, but since we were playing soccer, it was perfect weather for running around.  I love watching soccer, but I don't play it.  I had a lot of fun playing it today, even if I wasn't all that great... :) Since we're playing soccer for the field day thingie this year, everyone wants to get better at soccer.  I don't know if that's going to happen...  When we played today, girls played against girls and boys against boys.  I thought this was good because all the guys play soccer and are incredibly aggressive, while the girls don't all know what they're doing.  I fit right in! :) For the most part anyway...

After that was math.  We were taking a quiz, except they call quizzes 'tests' and call tests 'arbeiten.' So it's kind of confusing.  But anyway, only a third of the class got the answer right, and I got it right too!  Yeah-yuh! ;) I totally did not understand the instructions, but when in doubt, solve for x and y! :)

French was last period.  French can be pretty hard because I'm not bad enough to get out of participating, but I'm not good enough to totally understand what's going on.  So I'm kind of in this ocean of confusion where I occasionally climb onto a boat of understanding, but not often.  Wow, I am sooo good at using figurative language! ;) We have this huuuge test tomorrow, and I'm totally going to fail it because I wasn't even here for part of the content and don't understand much anyway, but it doesn't really matter because of the lack of grades thing.

I was supposed to go to volleyball yesterday, but I turned around on my bike on the way there because I wasn't feeling great. :/


First period was German.  We are currently in a poems unit.  Let's just say I'm not very good at writing poems in German.  Today we were given a poem and had to analyze it, including the topic, rhyming scheme, word choice, sentence structure, et cetera....  I was so utterly, totally lost.  My own grammar isn't good enough to analyze a freaking poem where I only understand half the words!  You know how poems are; all fancy, powerful words...  I actually like writing poems, just not in German.  When faced with this analyzing assignment, I was just like, "Uhh...  There's words...  And it doesn't rhyme.  Yeah."  My answers were about once sentence long and partially copied from my neighbor, but it's better than nothing.  (And everyone copies off each others' papers, by the way.)

Next was chemistry, which is about the worst class ever.  It's this horrible spiral of complicated and boring, which turn into each other and spiral to even worse complicated and boring...  It's not fun.  I understand about five words: proton, neutron, electron, layer, and atom.  And oxygen.  That's about it.  First the teacher droned on for a while, and then we watched a movie.  At first we were all like, "Yay!  Movie!" but it was quite a disappointment.  Think Bill Nye, but without side thingies like "Consider the Following" and things, and instead of Bill in his very busy lab doing semi-cool experiments, it was an old guy in a white room putting salt in a test tube and doing stuff to it.  <Yawn> Let's just say I was bored and possibly started doodling in the back of my planner...

This is what happens when you're bored out of your mind and the person sitting next to you has really cool thin markers

History was last.  We again were told we were going to watch a movie.  I should have learned my lesson from chemistry, but I was again excited by the idea of watching a movie.  Instead we were given note sheets.  We were supposed to work with our table neighbor and each do every other question.  I didn't understand the movie all that well.  Mona answered the first question, so I'd listen for my question, and the next thing I know Mona is answering her next question, and I'm like, "What!  Where was my question!?" That happened a couple times.  I answered all of TWO questions!  Sometimes I understood the movie just enough to know that it was talking about my question, but not enough to answer the question.  Sigh.

German word of the day: Mwahahaha.....  Today in the newspaper I saw an article about the longest word in German!  I decided to slam you with it today in my blog!  Before I tell it to you, though, you have to know that in German, a lot of words can be connected to make one word, wheras in English it would probably take up a whole sentence.  Okay, ready? Steuerentlastungsberatungsvorgesprächskoalitionsrundenvereinbarung.

Don't even ask me how to pronounce it.  Google translate won't translate it, but my grandpa spent about ten minutes explaining to me that it meant 'a plan to build faster highways' or something like that.  Good lord.

The Sunflower Project: They're SO BIGGGGGGG

Shoe for size reference.  Since there are two different kinds of sunflower here, one type is bigger than the other, which is understandable.  And the only unsprouted sunflower is finally throwing off its seed! :)

1 comment:

  1. That is an impressive German word! But I don't think it has anything to do with highways.

    I think you should help that poor sunflower along and take its hat off!
