
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Three Days, One Post

So sorry I haven't posted the past two days!  Stuff has happened, but I haven't had time to post or I just wasn't in the mood.  Mostly I just wasn't in the mood.  I also have stuff to do today, so I'll just give you a shortened version of events.

Friday, June 28, 2013

When Two Worlds Collide

Hmmm...  That is a cool title for a book, no? ;)

It has recently been brought to my attention that some of my sentences make absolutely NO sense.  Sorry about that.  I never feel like proofreading, but I guess I probably should. ;)

When I woke up this morning, it was rainy and cold.  There's nothing that welcomes you into a new country better than wet, cold weather, right? :P Luckily, it didn't rain while Lisa and I were biking to or from school.  For once!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


After our nine hour long class trip to Liege, I am exhausted.  The trip, all in all, was okay.

Since I finally had my camera with me at school for once, I was able to take pictures of how many people ride their bikes to school!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Happy, Happy, Happy, Sad

I couldn't fall asleep last night because all the One Republic songs from my new CD were stuck in my head.  Lesson: when you get a new CD, do not play it over and over again and memorize the lyrics to boot.  I learned that the hard way. ;)

This morning Lisa and I walked to school instead of biking like usual because it looked kind or rainy.  It didn't rain AT ALL.  I'm starting to think that it only rains when I'm on my bike.

Then Lisa invited me to go shopping with her, Sara and Celina in Cologne tomorrow!  Yay!  When I asked if we were going to go right after school, Lisa was like, "We don't have school tomorrow."


Sunday, June 23, 2013


My cold is getting worse in that I'm coughing all the time.  But my nose isn't running anymore, so that, at least, is good.

Today has been pretty darn uneventful.  Really, all that's happened today was going on a walk and my grandparents' friends come over.  So let me tell you about those two things...

A Fantabulistic Birthday Party

Fantabulistic. Yes, it's a word.  Yes, I made it up.

Anyways, yesterday, I celebrated my birthday with my friends.  It was, well, fantabulistic! :D I had an awesome time.

First, my grandma and I set the table and made the food.  I had brought a package of brownie mix with me from America, so I baked those.  My grandma baked a cake, and also bought some cookies.  My grandpa went and got lots and lots of strawberries.  The table looked like this:

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Ditching, Shopping and Reading

After reading the title, you probably have a lot of questions.  "Did Julia ditch?"  "Who ditched?" "What kind of ditch are we talking about here?"  Before you read this, I want you to know that I didn't mean to ditch, and I wouldn't have if I had another choice.

Now you are probably extremely curious.

After a very boring English class (that reminds me–I have homework!) and spending between periods in a very light rain that attacked you from all sides, I went to EGE.  You know, that English History something-or-other class.  I will find out exactly what it stands for eventually.

Anyway, when I reached the floor with my classroom on it, I didn't see anyone from my class in the foyer thingie.  Usually everyone hangs out there until the teacher comes and unlocks the door and then they all go inside the classroom.  My first thought was, "Oh, they must be in already."  But when I pulled on the door, it was locked.  I then stood there for a couple of minutes, trying to figure out what to do.  Were they in a different classroom?  Sometimes we go to a different room to see the projects on the computer.  However, I didn't know how to get to that room.  I probably looked like an idiot to the seventh graders hanging out in the foyer; not knowing what to do, I was just kind of slowly walking around the foyer, looking for something that would help me to decide what to do.

That something didn't show up.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

School and Rain and Shopping and Stuff

Today was...  Well, I don't really know how to sum it up in one word, so I'll just start writing about it.

Today was significantly cooler than yesterday.  Since I didn't write yesterday, I'll just tell you this: we got fifth and sixth period off because of the heat.  Yay!  Today, though, it was back to capri weather, and it rained a little off and on throughout the school day.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Hot, Humid and More Hot

Holy crap!  Today was so insanely HOT!  It was a solid 30 or so degrees, which might be really nice in Utah, but add some (no, a lot) of humidity, and you are pretty much a ball of sweat all day.  In my case, a very attractive ball of sweat, but a ball of sweat just the same. ;)

Monday, June 17, 2013

Le Day d'Awesomeness

Turning fourteen must be magical, because I had an awesome day today.  Really, I haven't had such a good day at school in a while.

Today was really warm.  We get about three warm days before it gets cooler, then a little warmer again.  The weather is seriously confused.

Happy Birthday to Meee.....

Indeed.  Today was my birthday!  Is my birthday!  Will be my birthday for a few more hours!  Just kidding!  I started this post yesterday, on my birthday, but didn't finish it until today.  Honestly, I wasn't expecting much of my birthday.  I've already gotten a LOT of presents, like my Kindle and my schoolbag in Germany, so I wasn't expecting many presents today.  But I definitely have enjoyed my day!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

A Trip to the Picture Book Museum

We spent the majority of the day today in Troisdorf.  I'm not sure how you spell it.  Anyway, we went to a picture book museum there.  It was in this old building that used to be part of a fortress thingiemabob surrounded by a moat.  The moat is still there, but, unfortunately, there was no bridge that can go up and down, just a normal stone pathway across.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Boys are Disgusting

TGIF! :) This has seriously been the longest week EVER.  Five days felt like forever!  It feels like the last time I had a weekend was way longer ago than it actually was.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

New Day, New Opportunities

After a downright sucky day yesterday, I am happy to tell you that today was much better. :) Unfortunately, it rained about half of the day, but it wasn't cold, so it didn't bother me all that much.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

At Least Volleyball was Better

After a fairly horrible day at school, volleyball was a pleasant surprise, for the most part.

Only nine people were there today, instead of the usual fifteen, because a lot of the players had beach practice.  This was really good because a) less pressure b) the coach can pay more attention to each individual and c) easier to talk to others and participate.

Good Start, Bad Ending

 I was looking at some blog posts from a few weeks ago and realized just how dull my blog posts have gotten recently.  My witty comments have dwindled significantly and have been replaced by "I want to go home" and "This and that was boring."  This is because I haven't been in a great mood lately and just never feel like putting the time or effort into making my blog posts interesting.  Sorry. :(

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

School, Errands and No Camera

School was really boring today....

First we had German, and we are STILL doing this stupid poetry unit, and I still have no idea what the rhyming patterns 'daktylus' and 'jambus' are, amongst lots and lots of other things.  After a while of actually trying to pay attention, I gave up.  I am just so done with school.  Knowing that all my friends in Utah are enjoying their summer break and I'm still schlepping myself to school everday isn't fun.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Truth About Old People

Today was my grandpa's birthday. :) His is exactly one week before mine.

The morning was just a calm morning including breakfast, replacing old flower bouquets with new ones, and reading.  The first rose bouquet of the year has been picked. :) The last phase of flowers are starting to die, being replaced with the new ones, which is always exciting.

In late morning/early afternoon, we opened presents.  My grandpa got a book from my family, a book from my cousins, and a book from my grandma.  Yep, he likes to read.  I, however, deviated from the book theme and gave him this:

Saturday, June 8, 2013

A Laid-Back Day

This will be a fairly short post. :) Today was my second day home alone.  Everything went smoothly, and I didn't manage to lock myself out of the house or anything. :)

The morning was one of those nice, quiet mornings where you get all of your crap done and then relax.  First I read in bed for an hour, then ate breakfast, did some homework and a workout, then returned to my book and the internet. :)

At about three my friend Nadine came over.  I showed her the entire house, and then we went shopping.  I love shopping. :) We biked because the weather is, for once, being nice to us.

Friday, June 7, 2013

A School Success

Yesterday was a very spectacular day when it comes to school. :)

First period was German.  (Haha, when I was typing this I started to write it in German.)  This was probably the worst class of the day, even though it wasn't necessarily bad.  We had to keep analyzing that poem that I don't understand, but this time as a group.  I pretty much just copied my partner without knowing what I was writing.  It was probably just a waste of paper.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Volleyball Surprise

I don't feel like giving you the details of every single class today, so I'll just give you a brief description of each and then move on to the real subject of this post. :)

First was English.  Instead of taking a vocab test like we were supposed to (and I actually studied for this one!) we did more work with our novels.  The teacher told me "good work" for participating. :) We are reading a book in which a class at school plays the Color Game, where everyone randomly pulls a color that represents a social status, and they have to act out their social status at school and at home for four weeks.  Also, women are treated as the superior gender.  The point of the game was to show the students the prejudices and discrimination going on in society.  After discussing it in class, we might possibly do something like that!!! :D It would be just for a week or something, and also just at school, and not as extreme.  I think it would be super cool!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

School and Stuff

I was under the impression that my blog posts were getting boring and repetitive, as a lot of them are just "at school we did this and that," but I was recently told otherwise, so here are my previous two days of school.

But first...  The weather is FINALLY getting better!  It's finally not raining anymore, and it's getting warm and sunny.  YAY!  However, it rained so much that another city in Germany, which is on the river separating Germany from Austria, is flooded past the first story of the buildings!  That's higher than it's gotten in the past 500 years or something! :O (Yep, I watch the news here....) :)

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Babies + Towers = Happy!

The past two days have been extremely baby-oriented.  I see my adorable cousins once a year, so I'm trying to create enough special moments to last me a year. :) I'd say that it's been working!  They have done so many cute, funny, awesome and memorable things that I can't exactly tell you all of them, but I can show you lots of pictures! :)