
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Welcome to Dramatown

After a gloriously sunny day yesterday, I was extremely depressed to find out the weather forecast predicted rain all day, which the weather kindly (not) actually followed for once.

First period, I have to say, was awesome.  We are reading an English book (oh yeah, I forgot to say it's English class), and today we did an excercise where we were shown sentences from the book and had to explain the context of it (who said to to whom, what it implies, etc.)  I was a ninja at it.  I was the first one to raise my hand (or actually my finger... they raise their fingers here).  I answered multiple, and the teacher told me I gave a really good answer and also that it was really good that I was participating so much.

I decided to make a Facebook account so I could keep in touch with all my German friends when I go back to Park City.  I made it last night, which ended up being perfect timing, because today the class teacher (I already explained what that means... the homeroom teacher thingie) asked me if I had a Facebook and then told a girl from our class to invite me to their class page. :)

Also, I brought Lisa a Park City shirt when I came to Germany.  She wore it to school today, and multiple people liked it. :)  I told them that I'd maybe send them shirts or nerds for Christmas or something, and everyone went crazy.  Lisa once told me that everybody here loves Nerds but they don't have them here, and when I said I'd bring nerds today, everyone got really excited. :)

All the drama started in French.  During the five-minute break in the middle of class, one girl started crying for a reason I shall not give.  Apparently one girl thought someone blamed it on her, two other girls got mad because they thought they were being told not to comfort the girl, and then more people got mad because apparently two girls always cry just to get attention.  Three girls cried over the whole thing.  The French teacher noticed, and at the end of class she had the people involved stay after (it was a 20-minute break, after all) to try and figure things out.  There were ten girls who stayed, including me.  I really didn't mean to stay, but I didn't pack my things up in time and just ended up staying to figure out what the heck was going on.

Oh.  My.  Lord.  I have never seen anything like it!  It was all like:

"I just wanted to comfort her, and you said I had to leave because I wasn't even friends with her!"

"No, I just said we were better friends!"

"I think she was just overwhelmed!"

"Well, you always blame everything on me!  I saw you talking about me!"

"We were talking about you, but we weren't blaming you!"

And so on and so forth.  I have never experienced such drama in my life.  My friend group in Park City tends to be very anti-drama, which I am now very thankful for.  I don't really think the talk-it-out method worked very well, because everyone was just getting more wound up.  There were plenty of these faces:

And these:

And I was just like:

It was crazy.  In the end, the fight wasn't about the girl who was initially crying.  It was about pretty much everyone else.  I never need to see drama like that again!

Music was the usual boring blah-blah, but we did get started on "learning" the cup song.  Half the class already knows it.  I thought I knew it, but everyone here does it differently, so I don't know which way is right anymore.  Unfortunately, we only did the beginning today, and it's the end that I'm questioning.

German word of the day: Streiten.  It's pronounced SHTRY-ten.  It means arguing. :P

The Sunflower Project:  Whew!  They're getting so big!!!!!  (Thumb for size comparison.)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fun day :) I'm sorry that we haven't talked to you during Math but we were doing SUTPID CORE TESTS and couldn't :P I'm so glad I don't have any drama like that in my life. I think I'd explode. Thank goodness for my good group of friends ;)
