
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Market Day

This morning was pretty uneventful.  I woke up, got dressed, and ate brötchen.  Then my grandparents said they wanted to go down to the market to get some things, so I said I'd go with them.

On the way into town, I saw a few interesting things:

A man walking around wearing sweats and Crocs.  Nothing is cooler than sweats and Crocs!  Just kidding, jean jackets are in style here. :)

A dog that looked like a gorilla, minus the head, which was really cute.

A girl walking around the market singing to herself.

First I bought myself a tintenkiller, which is not working as well as I've seen others work.  Maybe because it was just one euro.  (By the way, fountain pens are about 13 US dollars!  I think that's kind of expensive.)

Then we headed over to the actual market.  Since pictures a worth a thousand words, here is the equivalent of seven thousand words.  (Thank goodness for pictures; I'd have to be doing a lot of writing!)

 Part of the market

 People buying fresh fruits and vegetables

 Pretty flowers :)

 I call it "Flower Bush on a Stick"

 More pretty flowers

 Even more pretyy flowers! :)

People buying flowers at the market

After buying some lettuce, radishes, and a tomato plant, we passed a stand selling old easter candy.  My grandma bought nine chocolate bunnies because they were three for a euro.  I was like, "Uhhh, Grandma?  What exactly are you going to do with nine chocolate bunnies?"  Her answer was, "I'm going to smash them and use them for chocolate and chocolate chips in cakes."  So there you have it.  Not that I have any complaints or anything. :)

On the way home I saw a really pretty, purple-blooming tree.:


Today's post is mostly pictures, which I hope is okay. :) I needed a break from writing so much, and the market provided so many picture opportunities!

After we got home, my grandma made her amazing apple pancakes for lunch.


And don't worry everybody, we're going to do the same hike as on Thursday and I'll actually bring my camera this time! :)

The Sunflower Project: There are lots of green spots per pot, and I'm not sure yet which sprouts are sunflowers and which are weeds, but for now I'm just happy to see something growing. :)

German word of the day: Markt.  Pronounced MAHkt.  I'm sure you can figure this one out because the two words look so similar, but just in case you have already exhausted your brain today doing something else, it means market. 

1 comment:

  1. The flower pictures are really pretty. Seems like spring has sprung there! Glad you are having so much fun! - Jordan
