
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Boring Day

Sorry about the lack of a blog post yesterday.  Nothing interesting happened.  At all.  But there is  blog post today, although today, for the most part, was pretty boring too.

It's been rainy for the past few days, and it was kind of cold on the way to school.  What a great mood setter for the school day!

First period was English, my favorite class! :) We did some work with different kinds of adverbs today.  An interesting point my grandma brought up is sometimes people who speak a language as a second language know the grammar rules better than native speakers because they actually learned the rules.  I think this is pretty darn true.  I mean, do you guys remember learning about the types of adverbs and where they're placed in a sentence?  After the lesson, we had to do a worksheet.  There were sentences without any adjectives or adverbs, and then a list of those adjectives and adverbs that we had to put into the sentence correctly.  I have to admit, even I had trouble with a few of them.

After we were all finished, people took turns reading aloud their new, adjectified and adverbified sentences.  On one of them, people were really having trouble.  Lots of people read their answers out loud, to which the teacher kept shaking her head.  I finally worked up the nerve to raise my hand.  It was right!  Frau Fügemann was really happy with my answer and made me read it three times to the class.  Oh yeah. :)

We're supposed to have an English vocab test on Friday.  I still don't have my books, and I only have one day to study.  This is the only class where I actually feel inclined to participate, such as take tests, so I am actually kind of nervous for this test.

After that was French.  They're doing stuff I so completely understand, which is frustrating for me because I've done two years of French, just like they have.  I pretty much just sit there all class staring at words I don't know and pretend I do.  I also stare out the window and into a window of another classroom and look at what they're doing.  Ugh.  Boring.

After French we had our twenty-minute break, so I followed some girls out to their hangout place, a small rain shelter with a bench on the far end of the soccer fields.  In other words, on the farthest outskirts of the school grounds.  We talked some and I actually participated in some of the conversation.  I think I'm definitely making progress with the whole friend situation.

The last class was the worst.  Music.  You wouldn't think it's that bad, but trust me, it is.  First the teacher read aloud a dictation called The Language of Music that we all had to copy down.  I didn't understand some of the words, let alone how to write them, so I did my best to decipher Lisa's handwriting.  Just kidding, her handwriting really isn't that bad, but I did have some trouble.

After that things got really boring.  People whipped out their music notebooks, with staff lines for notes.  People started droning about notes and intervals and other German words that left me like: no comprendo.  Wrong language, but whatever. :) I actually play the piano, so I'm not half bad at musical stuff, but I didn't know any of the German words.  Plus, the notes are different!  Actually it's just one, but still.  It goes C, D, E, F, G, A, H.  H!  Does that make sense to anyone? >:O If so, feel free to explain it to me!

I just sat there, bored as heck, for the majority of the class while they counted notes and talked about other stuff like that.  Oh, and I had a headache too.  Yep, it was a party.  Not.

After a pretty gray day at school, I trudged home with Lisa, sat down and ate half of a chocolate bunny.  There is way too much chocolate available to me here.  Way too much.  It's a good and bad thing at the same time.  A devil in disguise.

In the early afternoon a couple that are both friends and neighbors of my grandparents came over to visit.  I drank tea and ate cake with them, and then we all played Rummy Cube together.  It was actually pretty fun, although we played one round of Rummy Cube too many for my liking.  The couple brought me a little bag of yummy stuff as a type of welcoming present, which was really nice of them. :)

I'm going to volleyball now, so hopefully I'll have something good to blog about later! :)

The Sunflower Project: MAJOR PROGRESS!  Sadly, this is probably the most exciting thing that has happened all day.  There was actually a change in my sunflower babies ;) yesterday, but since I wouldn't have had anything to blog about except my sunflowers, there wasn't a post.  So today the change is even bigger, more dramatic!  We've got four sprouts, all in different phases of the growing process:

This one was the biggest two days ago, and now it's the smallest of the sprouts!

"And at last I see the light!....."

Not all that attractive, if I do say so myself.  That's okay, it's still got lots of growing and flowering to do! :)

This one's still got the seed on it, but it'll throw it off soon.

German word of the day: Langweilig.  Pronounced LUNG-vile-ich.  It means boring.

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