
Thursday, May 9, 2013

A Day Off From School

We had off from school today, so I can't complain about my anti-socialness or school problems or anything. :)

This morning we had brötchen for breakfast. :) I guess we have them every day there's no school.  I remembered to take a picture of them for you!

 These are just one kind of brötchen.  There are tons of other kinds too!

 The breakfast table (note how the flowers on the left side beautifully frame the teapot...  Just kidding, I didn't even notice that when I took the picture)

Brötchen plus nutella = YUMMY!!!

After that, I did my homework.  I don't have to do the five pages of chemistry because I don't understand it, but I thought I should probably do the English.  I don't think I could get away with the excuse of "I didn't understand it" if asked why I didn't do my homework. :) So I spent way too long researching what they are building at Ground Zero (turns out they're building, like, six new towers or something...  Who knew?).

Then my grandparents and I went on a walk.  I am absolutely kicking--no, attacking--myself for not bringing my camera.  The walk was absolutely gorgeous, and I wanted to take a picture of everything!  We walked through fields of wheat and some yellow flower.  There was just hill after hill of bright yellow, and I couldn't stop looking at it.  Then we walked through the woods.  I don't think I've ever seen so many different shades of green at the same time.  My grandma shared a small portion of her vast plant knowledge with me, so I now know many more types of plants.  I told my grandparents we have to go on another walk there on Saturday so I can bring my camera.  Here is a list of everything I would have taken a picture of if I had had my camera:

-Blooming apple trees and lilac
-A couple houses covered in vines and looked like they were from a fairy tale
-Gorgeous rolling hills
-Bright yellow fields
-Horses, horses and more horses (We passed, like, two or three riding places.  There was one horse that was black and white speckled, but the speckles were really weird and looked almost like stripes.  The horse, in my grandpa's (translated) words, "looked like a zebra that was colored in wrong."  So there you have it.  I hope the horse is still there on Saturday!)
-Really pretty flowers
-A May Tree (On the first day of May, young men place birch trees decorated with colorful ribbons in front of the house of their love) and will have to add in later
-A bunch of cows that were literally sleeping three feet away from me (Wow!  Cows!)
-Stacks and stacks of freshly cut wood (It looked really cool and smelled really good too!)
-Probably more, I've just forgotten already


Tonight I'm going to watch Germany's Next Top Model, which my cousins apparently watched when they were here.  Heidi Klum does the show, who, by the way, was born ten kilometers from my grandparents' house.  So that will be interesting.

And tomorrow I have school again.  Darn. ;) Hopefully I'll make some more progress with the whole friend situation. ;)

The Sunflower Project: No progress.

German word of the day: Blume.  Pronounced BLOO-muh.  It means flower. :)


  1. I like how you're appreciating all the lushness a wetter climate brings.

  2. I think the horses must have been really cool. You are luck to have broetchen. Erin

    1. Yep, the horses were cool! By the way, Erin, as we passed one of the riding barns, Oma asked me if you were interested in horses. I was like, "YES!" and then Oma said to Opa that we should come back when you're here and you can ride! :D
