
Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Prettiest Walk Ever

Today will be another blog post of mostly pictures, and trust me, there will be a LOT of pictures!

As promised, my grandparents and I went on the awesome walk again today, and I brought my camera. :)  The weather started out kind of drizzly, but it got progressively better throughout the walk.  Let us begin with the pictures!  (I swear, there are about a million of them!  Okay, that might be a slight exaggeration, but you get the point.)

The yellow fields.  Look at how freakin' bright that yellow is!

The flowers in the field up close

Me in the field

 Still the field

The weird speckled zebra-horse ;)

Blooming apple tree with yellow field in the background

Another blooming apple tree with yellow field in the background

A May tree

 Me spinning on the gate that prevents motorcycles from entering the walking path

Baby cow!



An inchworm was on my grandpa's back.  We got it off with a flower :)

Inchworm on flower


Wood is so pretty!

Flowers in a field.  I kind of got overexcited with my macro setting on the camera...  Be prepared for more close-ups of flowers!


MORE flowers

Cutest garage door I've ever seen

Weird flower

Cool flower

The inside looks almost like cheetah print!

I decided to give you a break of the flowers with a picture of mud.  Just kidding, this is a house under contruction.  A frame of wood is built, then wood is woven through posts, and then clay is smooshed on top.  This is the basis of the walls for....

...This type of traditional house

I had no idea that chestnut trees bloom like this!  It's like a Christmas tree made out of flowers!

The tree of the mini flower trees (aka Chestnut)

Apple blossoms

More apple blossoms

So many of the houses here have gorgeous flowers growing in their yards.  It's so pretty and I wish that Park City could look more like that.  Granted, I'm always in Germany for most of the time the flowers bloom, but I know for a fact there aren't as many vibrant-colored plants in every yard.  It's something that I really appreciate about Germany.

After our amazing walk, we went to see the play Kabale und Liebe, translated as Intrigue and Love.  It's a classic play written by a famous German writer that is the equivalent of Shakespeare, but it was performed by an acting group of 15 to 21-year-olds, and not all of it was completely old-fashioned.  The acting group was good and I liked the play, but one of the characters actually smoked once, which I thought was completely unnecessary.

The Sunflower Project: It's nine thirty and I want to go to bed, so I don't really feel like checking my sunflowers right now...  But I'm sure they're growing.  Hopefully. :)

German word of the day: Theater.  Pronounced teh-AH-tah(r).  I'm pretty darn sure you can figure out what it means.

But wait!  There's more!  Because I feel like teaching you more German words, you can get two German words of the day for the price of one!  And the first one didn't cost anything anyway!  So they're both free!  The word is Wanderung (it's capitalized because all nouns are capitalized in German), and it is pronounced VAHN-dare-ung.  It means 'walk,' as in going for a walk, but Google Translate will be all fancy schmancy and tell you it means 'walking tour.'


  1. That was a really pretty hike and flowers. I think that was a appalossa pony(I don't know if that is a real breed, But appalossas are real and ponies are real so why not. That was a super cute inch worm. You went at the right time. =D

    1. It wasn't an appaloosa. The owner told us what kind and neither Oma, Opa or I remember it was it started with either a Kn or Kr (in German, of course.) Yeah, this is the time of year where, according to Oma, "the flowers start to bloom before your eyes." It really happens fast, though. A few bushes in their garden started to bloom bright pink and white in a matter of days.

  2. Is it a Knabstrupper horse?
