
Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Sports Events of the Past Few Days

At first I wasn't going to blog about this, but when I realized I inform you about every boring detail of my school day, I should probably tell you about this, just to keep it in proportion. :)

Friday afternoon was Basketball Night at my school.  Each class can put together a basketball team, and each team in its age group plays against each other.

Lisa and I came two hours before it even started.  I really have no idea why.  Some other kids from class were coming early too, so I guess it was to hang out with them.  But since I'm not exactly a social butterfly, two hours with your classmates and not all your friends can be a little daunting.  Most of the guys (and some of the girls) were playing basketball to practice, and the other girls were standing off to the side talking.  We also made a pyramid just for fun, and I got to be on top. :) I don't have a picture yet, but Lisa is going to send it to me at some point.

Then we went inside, where the fifth, sixth and seventh graders were still playing.  I was getting kind of bored because everyone was talking about things I didn't understand and I pretty much just wanted to go home.

When our age group was finally up (eighth and ninth grade) I got a little bit more excited.  There were only four teams in our age division because everyone else was lame. ;) We were also the only eighth grade team, so we were kind of nervous about that.  (By we, I mean the ones playing basketball.  I didn't really care if we won or not.)  Every team gave themselves ridiculous names, such as the Egg Giants or Unicorn Galaxy.  We were the Chicken Wings.  The fourth team's name was so complex even the German announcers had a hard time saying it.  It was something like the Goldgräbberguccigang. :O

Some teams were really getting into their outfits.  I saw people covered in glitter, people with pink shirts, people with big money necklaces, people who wrote words like "Swag" on themselves, and more.  We were pretty much the only normal team. :)

Once the actual basketball playing started, I got into it more.  I generally don't like basketball, but it's different when it's your classmates playing.  We got third, which was disappointing but also justified by the fact that everyone else was in ninth grade.

After the basketball and the awards ceremony (we got a tub of Haribo products like gummy rings and stuff) a whole group of us stood around for about twenty minutes thinking about what to do next.  Everyone else thought it was really lame to just go home and wanted to go somewhere.  I was standing there thinking, "Really?  I'd love to go home now!" But obviously I didn't say that.  After wasting twenty minutes, we came to the conclusion that no one had any money anyway, and we went home.

On Saturday I was working in the garden, picking flowers for some flower bouquets.  In the middle of my work, Lisa came over.  I had just done pilates, so there I was in volleyball shorts, flowered Crocs, no makeup and glasses.  Awkward.  Lisa asked me if I wanted to go to the open house of a dance studio where a lot of girls from our class dance, Nadine and Celina among them.  It started in five minutes.

I don't think I've ever gotten ready faster in my life.  I changed clothes, shoes, put contacts in, and got on my bike in about three minutes.  That has to be a record of some sort.  Lisa and I biked over to the studio, and luckily they were running late, so we didn't miss anything.  Nadine's group went, and then later Celina's.  Celina is in company and they are supposed to be really good.  They were, but to be honest I was more impressed by the ten-year-olds who have been dancing since they could walk.

Later that evening, my grandpa's cousins came to visit.  I ate dinner with them, but then went upstairs to watch a soccer game.  It was the Champions League final.  For those of you who don't know, the Champions League is a soccer league where the four (I think) best teams from England, Germany, Spain and I think Italy play.  This year, two German teams had made it to the final.  It was a good game. :)

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