
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The First Day of Volleyball All Over Again

It's my third blog post today!  Lucky you! ;)

Today I rode my bike to volleyball for the first time.  It was really fun, and for some inexplicable reason I felt really cool.  Everyone bikes everywhere here, and I wish we could do that at home.

I got to volleyball about ten minutes early and was getting ready next to another girl from my team.  Then the coach came in and changed everything with these words: "You're going to play with the women today."  The women, as in the adults, as in the best.  Gasp sputter gulp.

So I followed him into the other gym and stood awkwardly on the side and watched everyone else get ready.  The women's team is about fifteen-year-olds to twenty-five-year-olds.  I was the youngest and the smallest.

Then the coach of the women's team was like, "And the girl standing in the corner is Julia.  She's from America."  And then I was forced to step out and say hi to everyone.  People were really interested that I was from America and talked to me and asked me questions.  Everyone was really friendly.

The warm-up was sort of foriegn to me.  After a few laps around the gym, people kinds of clustered up and stretched.  Everyone was doing something similar but not quite the same.  I just pretty much stood there, clueless, until a girl helpfully told me what to do.  Then another girl invited me to join their stretching group, where they talked to me about America and volleyball.

Then, for a large portion of the time, we did a drill with three people that involved passing, setting and hitting.  Two girls (women?) invited me to join them.  I was seriously so grateful for everyone helping me out.  I wasn't even half bad at the drill! ;)

After that we did hitting lines for a while.  They do it a little differently than I'm used to in that someone behind you or in the line next to you throws the ball to the setter for you, so I was all sorts of confused at the beginning.  But once I figured it out and could actually focus on my hits, I was pretty darn good, if I do say so myself.  Obviously they weren't the evil laser hits of a few of the others, but they weren't epic failures that go limply flopping into the net.  One time, as I ducked under the net to go get my ball, I heard someone behind me say, "Hey, she's actually pretty good!"  You have no idea how good that made me feel.

Most of the time was then spent in a game situation.  Thankfully, they play with six players, and I was even semi-familiar with the type of rotation they were using!  I had some really good plays and some really stupid ones, but I think overall I was good.  Someone told me that I was really good for thirteen, and I'm definitely cool with being told that. :)

I think in the other group, I was the best one.  Although that can be fun, I'd rather be the worst in a better group because I can learn so much more.  And get used to the terrifying spikes of the girls and women, one in particular, so I can be better at that when I get back home too.  I'm pretty excited to play with the women!  Yes, they're big and bad and scary when it comes to volleyball, but I can learn from that, and everyone is really nice off the court.


  1. Okay, that was not at all like your first day of volleyball!! On the first day you were in the wrong group and the girls were still trying to figure out what a volleyball even was. Now you're in the right group where you'll learn tons! I'm so proud of you for dealing with all that new-ness, figuring it out, and actually enjoying it. Yay, you!!

    1. Oh, I was thinking the first day of volleyball again as in a new group so a new beginning. Should I change the title?
