
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Weather, Grammar and Cup Songs

After yet another glorious four-day weekend, I had to wake up early again to go to school.  As if this wasn't bad enough, the weather was disgusting.  Wet.  Cold.  Horrible.  Miserable.  It was raining really lightly, kind of misting, and coming from all directions.  By the time I had gotten to school by bike, my hair was wet, my hands were cold, and Lisa's glasses were covered in water droplets.

Despite this yuckilicious start to my day, I actually had a pretty good one today.  First was English.  We're reading an English book and doing work with it, such as "Analyze Amy's character" and boring stuff like that.  But I can participate, which is either good or bad depending on how you look at it.  Good: I'm not bored to death and can actually do something for once.  Bad:  I have no excuse for not doing homework. :)  But that's okay.

As everyone was leaving the classroom for the break, I was the last one out as the teacher was waiting for me and telling me to hurry.  I was scrambling to pack my bag and as I was lugging it out the door, she asked me, "Don't you have French next?" (French is in the same room.)  And I was like, "Yeah..."  And then she was like, "So why are you bringing your whole bag?"  And then I felt like the biggest idiot alive.  I never know when I can or can't leave my bag in the classroom, so I got to lug my big honking bag around and was asked two more times why I had it.  Fail.

The next class was French.  Usually, I'm in way over my head in French.  Most of the time, while others are effortlessly reading from the textbook, I'm like:

Today, though, I could actually follow along.  First we did a grammar page.  I know, fun.  I was actually able to answer four of the six questions (they were in German but about French grammar).  I probably had hopelessly many spelling and grammar mistakes (isn't that ironic), and I didn't know all the fancy words such as "conjugate" and stuff like that in German, but I did my best and actually got the gist of it right.  After that we had to analyze a book cover.  We had to right about what was on the cover, in the middle of it, in the foreground, in the background, etcetera.  I also knew a word that the person next to me didn't know.  Sadly, I was incredibly excited about this small thing.

After this terribly encouraging event, I really tried hard to pay attention.  I really did my best even if it is hard sometimes when the teacher is just a person droning on and the conversations of the kids around you are much more interesting. :) But I really, really tried.

The last class of the day was music.  This is usually the most incredibly boring and pointless class ever.  It still was for part of the day.  But, for some reason, the notes for the cup song from Pitch Perfect were written on the white board behind the teacher.  He eventually asked us why we kept looking past his head, and we mentioned the fact that the cup song was written on the board.  After some discussion and demonstrations, he said we'd do a class thing with it, and we're all going to bring cups and do the cup song as a class at some point in the coming weeks.  Is that cool or what? :D

When I biked home, it was thankfully not raining anymore, as if to say, "I was testing you this morning, and you had a good day, so I stopped raining for you."  Thanks, weather.  I'll also be able to bike to volleyball.

German word of the day (technically the last post today was about yesterday, so you get two): Französisch.  Pronounced Frunts-eu-zish.  It means 'French.'

Last I checked the sunflower haven't grown at all since an hour ago, so there's no Sunflower Project update. :)

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