
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Volleyball: Take Two

Yesterday was my second try at finding a volleyball group for me.  Luckily for me, this time it was the right group.  It was the better 13s/14s group, and they had been playing anywhere from one to two years, which is how long I've been playing.

I would say I was definitely on the better end of the group, and the two coaches didn't have to give me advice or corrections nearly as much as some of the others.  I think I passed really well, and they were also impressed with my digging.  My sets were nothing special; just, you know, a set.  My hitting was good and I also didn't miss a single serve, so I think it was a pretty good first practice.  Well, technically second practice, but I'm pushing the first one out of my mind because I don't want to think about it again.

There were two coaches.  I didn't understand either of their names because they spoke too fast.  One, I think, is something along the lines of Cataline.  She's from Hungary and has a pronounced accent, but at least I can understand her.  The other one's name sounded like Frank, but I'm really not sure.

I don't really know any of the German volleyball terms yet, but I'll figure it out soon enough.  And I know what they're talking about as soon as they demonstrate it.

Volleyball is different in Germany in a couple of ways.  First, the age group you play in changes how many players you play with.  Yesterday, although we had twelve kids and could have easily played six on six, we played four on four.  Also, the rotation is different.  I haven't completely figured it out yet.

I have a lot of floor burns on my hips and elbows from volleyball in Park City, and I got more floor burn yesterday.  Have you ever gotten floor burn on top of partially healed floor burn?  It hurts!  When I got home from volleyball yesterday, my elbow was first red, then white, and then black in the middle.  But don't worry, the black was just fuzz from the floor sticking to the raw skin.

So now that I've persuaded anyone to never, ever play volleyball.....  Just kidding, it's really not that bad.  Really.  I just thought the black fuzz was a nice touch. ;)

But seriously, I think that overall volleyball was pretty good, and I'm going back today for a second practice.  I think it's kind of weird that both practices are right after each other, but whatever.

Don't expect a blog post about volleyball unless something really interesting happened. :)

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