
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Flight Time

It has been a long day (days?), but now I'm here in Germany, writing to you on a very frustrating keyboard.  The keyboard here is different; the z and y are switched, the return button's in a different spot, the apostrophe button is in a different spot, and so many things are switched up that I type quickly and then go back, frustrated.  But don't worry, I'll get the hang of it by the time I leave. :)

I woke up at about 5:30 yesterday and said goodbye to my dad and my sister.  We didn't eat breakfast because, in my opinion, 5:30 is just too early to eat.

At the airport, my mom and I went through a long check-in because I'm an unaccompanied minor.  After that and security, we got breakfast at Starbucks. :) I had to say goodbye to my mom at the gate, as unaccompanied minors board the plane really early. My mom then had to wait at the gate until my plane took off.  Such are the rules in unaccompanied minor-land.

The flight attendants were all super nice.  They were all excited for me when I told them about going to school in Germany.  Then one of them gave me an envelope, which my mom had apparently forgotten to give me.  It was a card from my dad, and it was so sweet I started to cry.  Luckily I was the only one on the plane. :)

On the first flight, I had an aisle seat behind a wall, meaning tons of leg space and right behind the bathrooms.  Very convenient. Also, this flight had individual TV screens for each seat.  It always seems that the short flight has individual screens and the long flight doesn't.  Called it.  It was exactly like that.  The TV channels were a little weird. Nickelodeon led to a news station when you clicked on it, and Cartoon Network led to ESPN.  The actual Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network were MIA, so I watched Sports Center for about two hours.  I didn't even know that was possible.

On a kind of random note, Delta has a new safety video, and it's hilarious, in my opinion.

The layover in Atlanta was... exciting.  Interesting.  The guy who picked me up from my plane had to drop off a family with a stroller and a wheelchair first, so I followed them.  We took the train to Terminal B.  Then I was taken to the international terminal, E.  I was supposed to go to the Sky Lounge or whatever that place is called.  You know, the place that unaccompanied minors go to between flights.  Anyway, the lounge was closed for the first time ever.  Of course it was while I was flying.  After standing around while the guy tried, unsuccessfully, to contact dispatch, I got food from Panda Express.  This might have been kind of bad timing, because then dispatch finally told us to go to the Sky Lounge in Terminal B.  So back to terminal B we went.  Once at the lounge there, the people working it urgently told my escort dude that I needed to be at my gate, like, now.  So again we went to Terminal E, where I could finally eat my chow mein on the plane.

Once on the plane, I was put in the exact same spot as last time: tons of leg room, close to the bathrooms, and, most importantly, right in front of the big TV. :) For once, all three of the movies shown were good!  Oz the Great and Powerful, Life of Pi (which I'd already seen), and The Odd Life of Timothy Greene were the movies.  This is when I broke out the candy. :) I had Twizzlers and Reese's Cups with me.  After the movies, I tuned into Delta's comedy channel, which was, surprisingly, hilarious.  It was pretty much a bunch of stand-up comedians all in a row, and they were all really funny.

Unfortunately, I didn't sleep at all during either flight.  I did force myself to keep my eyes closed for the duration of ten songs on my iPod, though. :) I have never been a plane-sleeper.  I sleep on my stomach, and last I checked, you can't sleep on you stomach on a plane. :)

At the end of the flight, I had a short conversation with a young-ish German woman next to me.  She told me I spoke good German. :)

After an agent picked me up from the plane, she took me to my grandparents.  I wouldn't tell you this boring fact unless I wanted to tell you something cooler, which is this: we got to cut past the whole entire line to get passports checked after an international flight!  Oh yeah! :)

And now I'm home!  I felt surprisingly awake, especially after a shower.  Showers can be magical. :) But the shower magic is starting to wear away, and I'm getting dizzy writing this, so I should probably stop soon.  I have to finish unpacking, and I might get together with my one (hopefully there will be more soon!) German friend, Lisa later today.

Me In Front Of My Summer Home! (AKA Grandparents' House)

 My Room (Or Part of It)

My Cozy Bed in an Alcove Thingie (Note the rug on the wall that my mom had when she was a kid)

One last thing:

The Sunflower Project: I am going to be planting three sunflowers in a pot.  Exciting, right? ;) The plant is going to grow along with me (except I'm not growing physically), and by the time my mom and sister get here, they will be big enough to plant into the ground.  I'm going to take a picture every day I enter a blog post and put it on my blog. :)

German word of the day: Flughafen.  Pronounced FLOOK-haf-en.  Can you guess the meaning?  Airport. :)

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