
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Babies: You Gotta Love 'Em

This late morning to early afternoon was pretty miserable.  I had a stomach ache and was laying in bed for about two hours, writhing and twisting from the pain.  Then I puked. :P But after that I fell asleep, and when I woke up I felt fine again, so thank goodness for that.  I have plans for this weekend after all! :)

My aunt, uncle and two cousins came last night, and they'll be here for the long weekend. (no school Thursday and Friday!  Yes!)  Finja and Louisa, my twin almost-two-year-old cousins, are pretty much the cutest things ever.  I haven't seen them in a year, and they've changed so much!  They actually respond to what people are saying now.  I played with them a lot with blocks and stuffed animals, and also went down the slide with Finja on my lap when we were at the playground.  I think they like me! :)

In case you are feeling down today and need something to make you smile, here is a list of adorable things that they've done:

While we were eating breakfast, Finja wanted her pacifier.  When she grabbed hers from the table, her mom said, "Finja, bring Louisa her pacifier too."  So she grabbed Louisa's pacifier, waddled around the table, and handed the pacifier to her sister with a grin on her face.

Louisa dragging a huge stuffed animal dog that is twice the size of her around the room

Louisa trying to get into the toy baby stroller for dolls

When my grandpa gave Louisa a stalk of that ticklish grass stuff, she immediately began tickling my aunt's face with it, and also laughed hysterically when she was tickled back.

Both girls grinning at me with a smile that lights up their whole face

I was playing with Finja with these toys that have a plastic picture of an animal with a hole for the nose, and then a plastic nose (pig snout, elephant trunk, etc.) to match each animal.  I taught her to match the animals to their noses, and also how to put the noses into the hole.  (The banging them into place was the best part.)  Also, whenever I asked her where the nose was, she excitedly pointed to her own nose.

When I was playing with wooden blocks with Finja, I took a pyramid-shaped block and put it on her head as a hat.  She tipped her head back and it fell off.  She then promptly began grabbing every wooden block in sight and putting them on her head, then letting them fall off.  Sometimes she did it so fast she was just throwing them over her shoulder.  Louisa watched and soon copied the action.

This isn't everything, partly because they do too many cute things to count, partly because I've forgotten some things, and partly because I don't want you to die from cuteness overload. ;)

Here are some pictures of them:


The two girls playing outside

This picture was a result of my uncle, who was holding the camera, leaning back to take a picture and Louisa climbing on his stomach instead.

Me playing with Finja.  Ignore the bad posture. :/

When I first brought the camera downstairs to take pictures, Finja was extremely intrigued by it.  Instead of taking pictures of her, she instead sat on my lap and enthusiastically pressed buttons on my camera. :)

Then, at dinner, I demonstrated my family's tower-building ingenuity using napkin rings and salt shakers:

 Like a boss!

Minus the sickness thingie at the beginning of the day (it's my second time throwing up here already!  What the heck?!), I had a good day.  There is no possible way that a baby can't leave you grinning from ear to ear at the end of the day. :)

German word of the day: Kusinen.  Pronounced Koo-ZEE-nen.  It means 'cousins,' specifically female cousins.


  1. Love the tower and the youngsters are so adorable! Glad you're feeling better :)

  2. These children are BEAUTIFUL! You are BEAUTIFUL! I hope that you are happy, well and touching a piano every now and then. <3

    1. Hi Lana!!! I do occasionally play "Waterfall" on the piano, and my grandparents always encourage me to play more because they like to listen to me play. :)
