
Monday, May 20, 2013

Going Back in Time

Today my grandparents went to check out a 250-year-old house with a mill and a workshop.  It was super cool!  It's not in use anymore; it kind of functions as a museum, just minus all the boring information everywhere. :)

We drove through a really pretty, lush forest to get to the mill.  SO.  GREEN.

Once we got to the mill, we walked around inside the house first.  Everything was so legitimately old an beautiful!

Then we went to look at the mill from the inside, and then upstairs to the weaving room, where a woman was simultaneously weaving and telling us about the house.

After that we went to look at the mill and other outside things.

Then we went inside the tool shed.

That, my friends, is an old-fashioned waffle maker!

And THEN....

My camera battery died.  MY CAMERA BATTERY DIED!  IT DIED!  I was so mad!  Arghh!!!!!

That having put me in a bad mood, we went on a walk that put me in a worse one.  The path was so muddy it made my shoes forget that they were ever white, and all I wanted to do was go home.  I also had a minor headache, and you know that things are never good when you have a headache. ;)

When we got back and were driving home, we passed a field containing the most sheep I had ever seen together.  I pulled out my camera and hoped for a miracle.  Thankfully, like many "dead" cameras do, it allowed me to take a picture with ninja-speed before it died again.  (Unfortunately, I missed out on a lot of other picture opportunities because of the dead camera.)

Since this is my second post today, there isn't another German word of the day or Sunflower Project update.


  1. I HAVE to say it: I told you so!! I told you to charge the second battery and keep it with you. Ha! Now do you believe me that it's a good idea? ;)

    And I love the photographs of the mill. My favorite is the one of the pump handle. You can have some fun with cool composition of your pictures.

    1. Hi Erma. ;) I've charged both batteries now, so hopefully it won't happen again. And I finally figured out how to get to all those cool effects on the camera! :)
