
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Afternoon Adventures

Today I am not going to talk about school because Tuesdays are always incredibly boring in that regard.  I have German, chemistry and history.  It's not a great combo.  My afternoon was a lot more interesting.

By the way, my mom just told me that I should talk more about my reactions to everything instead of just report on it.  She's told me that before, and I did start doing that more, but I guess I slipped back into the I-don't-feel-like-writing-let's-just-cut-to-the-chase type of writing.  I hope I haven't been boring you!

Instead of just telling you what happened today, here is a summary of everything I will tell you about:

An interview with Germany's Next Top Model
A savage best destroys the hard work of others
Neon arachnids
An expedition to Ant-attic-a
Living in the wilds

Okay, so maybe that's a slight exaggeration. ;) You'll see.

I was fiddling around with the camera when my mom came along and decided to take some pictures of me.  We tried out some cool settings like sepia and color isolation, and we took some pretty cool pictures! :) I'll just show you a couple.

So.... That was cool.  I was going to put some pictures on Facebook, but I don't want to be one of those people that always posts pictures of themselves and expects everyone to comment "You're so pretty!" so I don't think I will.  Or maybe just one. I did put them on my blog, but not nearly as many people read my blog as see my Facebook, so.... *sigh* I don't know.  Personal troubles! ;)

Throughout the photo shoot ;), my sister and grandpa were hard at work down the hill in the yard.  There's a tree there, and they made a ladder and a swing!  My sister is just awesome like that. :) They were in the garage drilling holes into a board for the swing when I decided to go down to the tree and try out the ladder.  It didn't go too well.  I broke the bottom rung in half.  Oops...  I felt really fat. ;)

Luckily, it wasn't too much of a problem, as Erin and my grandpa just replaced the rung with a new one.  I was then the tester for the swing.  Erin was in the tree, hanging the ropes, and my grandpa was directing from the ground.  We didn't know which branch to hang the swing on, which is where I came in.  I sat on the swing while it was in a few different locations!  I know, I'm such a help. ;) But now it all looks really cool!

Here are some pictures of my sister and my grandpa hard at work:

Yep, my eleven-year-old sister built a ladder and a swing with the help of my grandpa.  Is she awesome or is she awesome!? :D

After we finished with the swing (I had nothing to do with the ladder), my grandpa found a neon green spider.  My grandpa was extremely intrigued with this, nature's miracle, while my mom thought it was disgusting.  That's my grandpa for you! :) Now meet Melanie!

She is extremely awesome as long as she doesn't touch me.
After this adventure, I went upstairs to work on my blog.  By the way, I posted two entries today, so make sure to scroll down to my blog about food when you're done with this one! :) While working, I got distracted by some voices coming from the hallway.  My mom and grandma were in the attic!  I couldn't pass up a chance to explore the attic. ;) And so I left the computer to embark on an expedition to Ant-attic-a.

I find myself extremely clever. ;)

The floor of the attic is a bunch of boards and flattened cardboard boxes.  And believe me, it is HOT up there!  In the attic, I found some cool, old chests and a sled that belonged to my uncle. :)

This chest has a really awesome story.  My great-grandfather had one of the first cars of the region, and this chest was put on the back (I think it was the trunk.)  The number there is the liscense plate!

The biggest adventure of the afternoon came when I actually got into the tree.  Since I was too heavy for the ladder, I had to stand on the swing and pull myself up from there.  I managed to get stuck with one foot in the tree and one foot hanging out while my arms were wrapped around a branch.  It was extremely awkward. ;)

World-class climber right there!

I did manage to make it down, back up and back down again that day.  I am very proud of myself. ;)

Erin seriously has it made for her up in that tree.  She's got the swing, the ladder, a basket on a pulley system she made to bring stuff up, a rope tied to a branch that pulls the branch to the side like a curtain, and a bell to alert the adults that she needs something.  She has a book and a box of candy up there, too.  She could probably live up there if she wanted to. :)

I believe that wraps it up for my adventurous afternoon! :)

German word of the day: Abenteuer.  Pronounced AH-ben-teoy-ahr.  It means 'adventure.'

The Sunflower Project: I think that one plant is going to die. :( Also, something has eaten more of my plants!  Whole leaves are missing on one of them! >:(

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