
Thursday, July 4, 2013


I have the best friends in the entire world.  It's a fact.  Let me tell you why...

I'm not going to tell you about school today because it was boring.  Oh, except for one thing: yesterday two kids in my class were singing the "Ain't nobody got time for that" song.  It was pretty much the funniest thing I've ever seen.

You might not remember, but I had made plans to bike home with Laura to her house after school, and then to Nadine's at four.  Well, things got a little complicated.  Laura couldn't ride her bike to school today, so I rode home with Lisa like always, Laura took the bus home, then walked to my house to pick me up and we walked to her house together.  We did some stuff there and then walked into town to get some stuff for Nadine's birthday present and ingredients so Laura could make ice cream for a barbecue she was going to after hanging out at Nadine's house.  We also stopped to get ice cream. :)

Then we took the bus to Nadine's house.  ERMAGERD!!!!!!!

When Nadine gave me a tour of the house, she showed me the yard.  And then, out of the shed came six of my friends!  They were all holding papers, and they arranged themselves so the letters on the papers spelled out "Bye bye."  That's right.  It was a surprise going-away party for me!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D

It was amazing.  No one's ever given me a surprise party before!  There were balloons all around the yard, a table full of food and candy, and a card for me.  I barely managed not to cry. ;)

During the party, we ate, talked, danced, and played with the balloons.  It was awesome and I realllllllyyyy appreciate that they did this for me!  I'm going to miss them so much when I go back to America!!!

Here are some pictures:

The shed everyone hid in :)

This is what the bottle looked like after Lisa and I squeezed it, spraying water on everyone ;)

Nadine has parakeets that sit on this thingie in your hand (or on your hand.)  It's hard to see here because of the wall sticker in the backround (the birds are in her brother's room)

The card

I am so thankful for my friends here.  They have made Julia's German Journey a lot more fun, rewarding, and heartfelt.  I hope I'll stay close to them in the years to come, because having friend groups in two different countries isn't easy! ;) But I'll never forget my friends here and what they have meant to me over the past few weeks.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

German word of the day: Überraschung.  Pronounced eu-bare-RASH-ung(k).  It means 'surprise.'

By the way, I have been thinking about doing a German word of the day special where I create a dictionary of the teenage lingo here.  Maybe, if you ask nicely in the comments, I will when I get the time! ;)

The Sunflower Project: The one sunflower is horizontal.  I take this as a sign that it is dead.  Also, a couple of the other sunflowers have weird brown stuff on them.... ?

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