
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Prep Week

Thursday's the big day: the day I board a plane that will take me to Germany and the two most daunting months of my life (so far).  But let me tell you, the preparation is just as stressful as the trip itself.  Let me give you a short summary of my prep week so far:

Monday: Packing Day!  Packing is so ridiculously stressful.  Well, maybe not for a guy, but definitely for a girl!  And it's not just clothes, either: it's also school supplies, electronics (i.e. kindle, iPod, phone), carry-on things, and toiletries.  The toiletries are probably the trickiest because you're constantly using them, so you have to pack them either the night before or the morning that you leave.  This is very stressful for me because I am a neat freak.  I also have clothes still in the wash.  The result of this madness?  Lists.  Lots and lots of them.  I've got lists of things I need to pack the morning before I go, things I need to buy once I arrive in Germany (like shampoo, conditioner, etc.), things I want to say in my blog (I constantly write my blog, just in my head, so I've got tons of ideas floating around all day long), and more.  Thank God for sticky notes! :)

 My Almost-Completely-Packed Suitcase

The Infamous Toiletries
(I hate it when I have a messy room, so this is somewhat a nightmare for me)

Tuesday:  Tooth Day!  I had an orthodontist appointment at 9 o'clock to start off the day.  I was supposed to get my braces off, but instead I was only given tighter elastics and a power chain on my bottom teeth.  Fun. :P  Then I came home and continued work on my Father's Day present, which I started Monday.  I can't tell you what it is in case my dad is reading this, but trust me, it's cool. :) After that I continued my packing by getting together the toiletries that I don't need to keep out and organizing them.  Yes, it's a very fun task.  Not.  Brownies and TV were very welcome after that.  But I was forced to get off the couch and go on a walk, which is probably good because I needed the fresh air.  My mom instructed me in what to do as an unaccompanied minor (yes, my first flight as an unaccompanied minor will be international, incredibly long, and include a layover in Atlanta.  Oh joy).  She gave me a few scenarios in which something went wrong and told me what to do in that case.  It didn't exactly help with the nerves, but I needed to know the info.  I get majorly overwhelmed every time any new information is given to me, because I have so much to think about, remember, and worry about already.  But wait, there's more!  I got to visit the dentist today and have people pick on my already sore teeth.

Happily, I could still go to volleyball practice today and pretend that things are normal.  My friends all gave me big hugs when I left.  :)

Wednesday: Catch-All Day!  Tomorrow will be spent doing anything left that needs to be done, such as find my sunglasses and hopefully pack the rest of the toiletries, as well as go find things from the wash and put the things I've collected for my carry-on into my carry-on.  I also have to finish up the Father's Day present and paint my nails.  One does not simply go to another country with chipped nail polish. ;)  These odds and ends really add up, so I'm sure I'll be busy.  But amidst all my work, I get to go to El Chubasco with my mom for lunch, so I've got something to look forward too.  I also just came home to find a red velvet cake baked for me!  :)

I'm starting to wonder if I am slightly insane for doing this.... :O

German word of the day: Tschüss.  Pronounced Choos or Chuss.  This word means "bye."

Random German grammar fact (for I am a grammar geek): All nouns are capitalized in German!

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