
Friday, April 19, 2013

Last Day of School in PC

The papers have been signed, the laptop has been returned, the locker has been cleaned out...  School is officially over!  At least, for the time being.  I have three months of school in Germany, but for now I can pretend that spring break is summer break. :)

You would be surprised at how stressful it is to leave school early.  You have to take everything home, back up your computer, and get all your teachers' signatures, which requires some preparation in itself, such as bringing textbooks in or finishing projects.  While I'm nervous about going to Germany, I'm glad this week is over.  It has been so stressful!  I've had a few nights where I haven't slept all that well because, of course, everything you've forgotten to do pops into your head when you're trying to fall asleep.  Go figure.  But I managed to get everything done, so now I've got a relaxing week of spring break ahead.  It might be even more relaxing than other people's because I have no homework. :)

 St. George, here I come! :)

I also had to say goodbye to my friends this week. :( I'm going to miss them all so much when I'm in Germany.  I'm pretty sure I'll make some friends there, but obviously I'm going to miss my American friends.  But while it was sad, the goodbyes also made me feel really loved. :) Everyone was so sad that I was leaving, which gave me some weird sort of satisfaction that I will be missed mixed in with the sadness.
So now that I've got the withdrawing from school in the United States over with, I can focus on the spring break and then German schooling ahead!  Wish me luck! :)

German word of the day: Ferien.  Pronounced FAIR-yen (the 'r' sound is very soft.)  This word means 'vacation,' which is Germany is used in the terms 'summer break' and 'spring break.'

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